I add my advice :

> look for the number of downloads of axiom-windows-0.1.4 at
> line 19. Now look for downloads of the Linux versions :(
> unfortunately none are listed in this "top 30" list ):

I don't dowload axiom, I choose axiom because I can install it from my
favorite debian testing. 

>> I know of two instances of commercial companies that make
>> their products essentially free on more-or-less free
>> platforms, but charge for Windows: Trolltech with Qt, and
>> SciFace with MuPad.

Even if the mupad language is very fine and the system powerfull, 
I think I'll use less and less mupad because 

1/ there is no free kernel of the language (it's like a black box) 
2/ the library is easy to read, but it's a REAL copyrighted program,
   (even if some developper was benevols)

So I don't know if next year or in 10 years, mupad will continue to exist.
The fact that the program is free without money isn't enough.
It's only less worse than the too expensive maple !

With emacs, latex or openoffice I'm sure that I can re-use my work.

Now there is a cooperation between microsoft and sciface, 
I don't know if I'll find the next mupad for my next linux or not. 
I want to be sure to find my favorite programs for my computer 
when I'll change.

A developer of caml (a french ML language as sheme) tell me that caml is
really use only since everybody can freely download it. 
Money came from really industrial project, not from people nor from school.
The idea to sell a language (some years ago there was le-lisp) wasn't a 
good idea.

Have a good day !


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