> (7) I tried using a list to return multiple variables from a
 > function. However, this turns out to be of type any. These variables can be
 > displayed but not used in operations any further. This means that you have
 > to remember the types of each variable in the list.  Then, manually in the
 > calling function extract and explicitly typecast each variable in the
 > returned list. Is there an easier way of doing this ??

I am somehow surprised that Axiom cannot work with multivalues.

(1) -> foo(a: Integer, b: Integer): (String, Integer) == ("sum", a+b);

   The constructor Tuple takes 1 argument and you have given  2  .
(1) -> foo: (Integer, Integer) -> (String, Integer)

   The constructor Tuple takes 1 argument and you have given  2  .

In Aldor the following program works just fine.


------------ multi.as -------------------------------------
-- Run the program via
-- aldor -grun -laldor multi.as
-- and get the output
--: We call the function foo
--: foo(7, 11) = (Sum, 18)

#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"

import from Integer;
foo(a: Integer, b: Integer): (String, Integer) == ("Sum", a+b);
main(): () == {
        stdout << "We call the function foo" << newline;
        (s, c) := foo(7, 11);
        stdout << "foo(7, 11) = (" << s << ", " << c << ")" << newline;

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