Changes --
??changed: -The language used for programming Axiom is called 'spad'. In fact, 'spad' has a -cousin, intended as a successor originally called Aldor: , -which can in fact be used alternatively to 'spad'. Online HTML documentation of -Aldor is "available": too, however, -this version might be outdated. There has not been a decision yet as to whether The language used for programming Axiom is called [SPAD]. In fact, [SPAD] has a cousin, originally intended as a successor called [Aldor] which can be used alternatively to 'spad'. There has not been a decision yet as to whether ??changed: -A-sharp (A#), AxiomXL, and now Aldor. Aldor programs will run in Axiom A-sharp (A#), !AxiomXL, and now Aldor. Aldor programs will run in Axiom -- forwarded from[EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Axiom-developer mailing list