Dear Tim,

        thank you for your long mail and the invitation to a coofee which
I took while reading...

Perhaps I may add, that as a _user_ of AXIOM, I am totally ignorant to its
internal struggles (bild process from scratch, historical accidents, etc),
but that I need to focus my resources. I am not a programmer, but need to
be able to develop own functionality. So I would vote for a system having
1 internal language (lisp, C++, ...) and probably one toplevel language
(Aldor, spad, ...). Any further mixing prevents a _user_ from even making
first steps.

Hence I would at least like to have a winner of the lanuage war, alas such
stories usually will have no ... and they lifed happyly ever after.


% PD Dr Bertfried Fauser
%     Institution: Max Planck Institute for Math, Leipzig 
%   Privat Docent: University of Konstanz, Phys Dept 
%  contact|->URL :
%          Phone : Leipzig +49 341 9959 735  Konstanz +49 7531 693491

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