All of the versions of latex I've tried on axiomunit_v2.tex
blow up on the \pdfoutput=1. bad karma has come to haunt me.

rather than trying to generate pdf files in latex i'd suggest
using latex to gen a .dvi file and then use dvipdfm or dvi2pdf.
dvi2pdf is a shell script that reads:

dvips -e 0 -Z -X 600 -Y 600 -D 600 -f <`basename $1 .dvi`.dvi >`basename $1 
gs -r600x600 -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=`basename $1 .dvi`.pdf 
`basename $1 .dvi`.ps -c quit

which works every time if you have the fonts.


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