Bill Page wrote (to Tim):

> Does Eitan's original link work for you?
> The version of jstest.html page on axiom-developer is identical
> to Eitan's but the version of jsMath itself on axiom-developer
> is the older version. 

I (not Tim) got the same: a warning box and then correctly displayed for $a^b$.
Can you describe what should be expected?

> If Eitan's page works but the one on
> axiom-developer does not then it might be because you need the
> "BaKoMa versions" of the fonts as explained here:
> for jsMath v2.x. If this is the case, then don't worry about it
> because that version of jsMath is out of date and if/when we
> start using jsMath on MathAction, I will update it to the newer
> version.

As indicated in previous email, I did not download these fonts. But I have
Mathematica and Maple installed and so maybe the cmex10 font somewhere there
under Windows ControlPanel/Fonts. My Miktex fonts are in a different drive
partition! But jsMath is working (except for the wiki jsMathExperiment page).
> Otherwise you can check the following:
> On Windows did you follow **exactly** the instructions here?
> especially the instructions to exit the browser and restart?

Not to say you shouldn't try to exit and restart, but for me, that was not
> One way to check that you have the correct fonts installed
> is to click Start/ControlPanel/Fonts. You should see the font
> cmex10 used by jsmath listed there. If it's not there, try the
> procedure in the above link.
I have no filename that has cmex10 in that directory. The path (DOS) for Miktex
only points to ../miktex/bin.

Now I downloaded the fonts from above, installed jsMath-cmex fonts in the Fonts
directory of ControlPanel. Same problem with the jsMathExperiment page.

This time the Henrici.html page produced a darker font (I downloaded the
thicker, 25, fonts).


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