This might be relevant to the ongoing discussion about generating dot
graphs of the Axiom source code.  I suspect it would be more work to
make the jump to the Spad code but Lisp is probably up to it.

Gary King recently released a set of common lisp libraries (I believe
under the MIT Style License) which help him work with graphs (graphviz
still generates the output.)

Saw it mentioned here:

Tutorial/eaxmple is here:

That "make-filtered-graph" bit looks quite interesting.

With Bill having solved the hyperlinked graphviz output problem,
perhaps these tools could server as the "other half" of the problem -
generating trees from the Axiom source code.

I'll try and play around with this when (if, on my cynical days) I get
time - maybe something like "per-category" or "per-domain" graphs could
be achieved.


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