Hi Bill,
texbreaker.mak is ...
swig -python texbreaker.i
gcc -fpic -c texbreaker.c texbreaker_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.3
ld -shared texbreaker.o texbreaker_wrap.o -o _texbreaker.so
I had to install swig (www.swig.org). Fortunately there was a Debian
Do you use
apt-get install swig
I think that should work. I usually use 'dselect'. I found 'swig' there.
I also had to
gcc -fpic -c texbreaker.c texbreaker_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.2
instead of
gcc -fpic -c texbreaker.c texbreaker_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.3
Everything worked fine up to here.
Can't you simply change texbreaker.mak? Or does it work for some good
reason with python2.3 on your machine?
Great! You are about half-way there ... :)
Well, it would be easier if one does not have to modify files like
ReplaceInlineLatex.py or axiomWrapper.py.
Wouln't it also be an option to provide a dummy "reduce" script which
accepts some (Reduce) input and always outputs a string in Reduce
format, saying that Reduce is not installed. Could you provide such a
shell script?
But which URL should I write into firefox in order to now browse
MathAction locally? I somehow fear that the webpages are not yet on
my computer. Where is the MathAction FrontPage?
Any hints?
Well, this is a quesition of a different sort... :) What you
appear to be asking is how to run the wiki software.
Ehm, maybe I don't understand MathAction correctly. What I actually want
is a snapshot of the MathAction pages. And if I could have all the
functionality of running Axiom through a local webserver (without
actually being connected to the internet then all the better. The
SnapShot that Bill Page provided as an archive of HTML pages is not
completely satisfactory.
> I presume
that you did previously install Zope, right? So to start Zope
need to do
$INSTANCE_HOME/bin/zopectl start
This starts the server process and is the way you should normally
start the server. But it might be better to start with
which runs zope as a process in your current session and gives
some useful console output. You should see some warning messages
but no error messages.
I followed the steps at http://wiki.axiom-developer.org/InstallingMathAction
where it finally says:
6) Restart zope: /etc/init.d/zope restart
Of course, I have installed zope before. 'apt-get install zope' should
do for debian sarge.
/etc/init.d/zope restart
has to be called as 'root'. And did not give me any return message.
You should now be able to access the Zope management interface
from a web browser on your system via the url
(port 8080 is the default port for Zope)
Does not work. I see a page in FireFox:
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:8080.
If all is well, then you will need to use this interface to add
new "Zwiki" object called 'mathaction' with the (*) latexwiki
option checked off.
Hmm, this sounds as if I get MathAction without the same content I see
at http://wiki.axiom-developer.org/FrontPage. Where is this content? And
where could I download it from for offline use?
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