ok, lets get the confusion out of the way before this gets too far along...

The "stack" of languages looks like:

   spad -- an algebra language using types 
     spad compiler -- defines the algebra language and types
       boot -- a non-parenthesized common lisp which is untyped
         common lisp -- a parenthesized common lisp which is untyped

in the interpreter

   interpreter language -- spad-like, uses types
     boot -- a non-parenthesized common lisp which is untyped
       common lisp -- a parenthesized common lisp which is untyped

the B-natural language sits here:

 b-natural -- single-type langauge
   interpreter language -- spad-like, uses types
     boot -- a non-parenthesized common lisp which is untyped
       common lisp -- a parenthesized common lisp which is untyped

since boot is syntactic sugar for common lisp and quite unnecessary
for anything the future stacks look like:

   spad -- an algebra language using types 
     spad compiler -- defines the algebra language and types
       common lisp -- a parenthesized common lisp which is untyped

   interpreter language -- spad-like, uses types
     common lisp -- a parenthesized common lisp which is untyped

and maybe

 b-natural -- single-type langauge
   interpreter language -- spad-like, uses types
     common lisp -- a parenthesized common lisp which is untyped

Note that Bill and I disagree about boot's future.

Note that B-natural and Boot are COMPLETELY unrelated.


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