On Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:40 AM Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> ... 
> Why don't you use tla?
> Make a new branch from axiom--main--1, hack at the new branch 
> and if it is finished, tell Tim that there is something new
> available ready for merge. Tim then could investigate that
> branch, test and check documentation, and if he finds that
> it is all fine just do a star-merge to axiom--main--1.
> Would that be bad?

As far as I am concerned that would be Excellent! :)

Unfortunately skill and confidence in these tools is lacking.
I think it needs someone (or a small group of Axiom developers)
to take the lead, write **simple** documentation and demonstrate
exactly how this works.

I have not used 'tla star-merge', but I have used the similar
function of 'darcs pull'. It seems to me that these commands
save an enormous amount of time and protect against the common
errors of less automated methods of handling patches. The
decentralized model based on pulling (merging) patches from
separate archives also seems like a good idea. This allows the
work of maintaining an archive to be shared in a flexible
manner. Plus the 'darcs send' command can be used to create
and send patches by email with very little effort.

Bill Page.

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