Hello Martin,

> We have a category A with an operation op: % -> %. However, there are natural
> subdomains of domains of A, which are no longer closed under op.

if I understood you correctly, you did not mean "closed under op" but "op is a
partial function" -- which is a completely different thing.

Could you please elaborate.

Take Q\{0} and multiplicative inverse of an element.

{ 1 } is closed under inversion and inversion is a total function on {1}.

{ 1, 2 } is not closed under inversion ( 1/2 is not in {1,2} ).
Hence inversion is a partial function on { 1, 2 }.
But 1/2 can be computed in Q\{0}.

Consider { 0, 1 }. Inversion is not defined for 0. Therefore inversion is a partial function on { 0, 1 }. In contrast to the situation before, you cannot say "{ 0, 1 }" is closed under inversion. Neither the opposite. Since inversion is not defined for 0.

> Example 1, Matroids

> A "matroid" is a mathematical structure with one very, very important
> operation, namely "dualizing" ...

If a matroid is required to have a "dualizing function", then a graphical matroid cannot be a matroid. Simply because it does not provide the total
function "dualize"

However, a graphical matroid can "contain" a matroid.

So the abstract setting is "graphical matroid" and the specialized one is
"matroid". Not the other way round.

In a way you are right, of course - I followed the same reasoning
originally. However, I do feel a little uneasy saying that a graphical matroid
is not a matroid...

A name is just a name ...

The important part is the structure of the things. That's what you want to model.
And the structure tells you that a "graphical matroid" is not a "matroid".
The name does not affect the inner structre of an object.

There are a lot of similar situation in mathematics.
Consider for example polynomials.
In computer algebra a polynomial ring is typically commutative. If it is not commutative (in whatever way), we say "non-commutative polynomial ring". However, "non-commutative polynomial ring" is the generalization and "polynomial ring" is the specialization. Replace "non-commutative" by "graphical" and "polynomial ring" by "matroid" and you will see, the correspondance.

Or maybe the example Ralf gave convinces you ;)

Furthermore, there is another complication:

For a certain class of graphical matroids, namely those which are 3-connected,
we can recover the vertices. I.e.,

general Matroids have duals but no vertices

graphic non-planar three-connected Matroids do not have duals but do have

So, what to do?

I am not familiar with matroids, so let me get this straightened out.

1. Graphic non-planar matroids do not provide a way to compute a dual element.
2. Graphic planar matroids are able to compute duals for all elements.
3. Graphic non-planar three-connected Matroids do not have duals at all.
4. Graphic three-connected Matroids allow recovering of vertices.
5. Planar graphic matroids are called "matroids".

I got number 1 wrong in my previous post. I thought, a graphical matroid can dualize _some_ of its elements. This laid way to the "partial function" thing.

So the base category is

You have several qualities for GraphicalMatroids:

I assume, that the properties coming from "planarness" and "three-connected-ness" are bound to graphical matroids and not a general mathematic construct (e.g.: the connection between a planar near-ring and a near-ring is not connected in any way with the connection between planar graphic matroids and graphic matroids -- At least I cannot see an obvious connection). If this assumtion is wrong, than I'd introduce general categories "PlanarType" and "ThreeConnectedType". However, let's assume the assumption is valid.

GraphicalMatroidType: Category == with {

PlanarGraphicalMatroidType: Category == with {

  dualize: % -> %;

ThreeConnectedGraphicalMatroidType: Category == with {

  recover: ( %, % ) -> %;

This models 1., 2., and 4..
I would not model 5., since this is just a renaming. However, I in the documentation of PlanarMatroidType, I would mention that "planar graphical matroids" are called "matroids". 3. is awkward, since only planar graphical matroids have duals. So non planar, already means that they have no duals. Three-connected is superfluous. Therefore, 3. is redundant and already contained.

Obviously, I misunderstood the problem, as my solution seems too easy :((

Kind regards,

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