
On August 18, 2006 2:27 PM you asked:

> 1. When you are adding a CAS system, how do you go about
> testing outside ZWiki.  With this I mean, if I would like
> to write a let's say yacasWrapper or octaveWrapper and
> ReplaceInlineYacas or ReplaceInlineOctave,  what would be
> a good way to test them outside ZWiki? 

I used to have a simple test harness that read in some test
page source from a file and called ReplaceInlineAxiom. That is
very simple but you have to comment-out any reference to the
Zope environment (one one case I think). If you like, I can
take a look for it and send you a copy.

But now that I have tried iPython interactive shell for Python
- motivated by the fact that Sage uses a customized version of
iPython for it's command line interpreter - I would say that
is definitely a better way to fly!

> 2. In the Axiom projects I see a comment from you:
>   Extend the interface to Axiom to permit display of Axiom
>   graphics on MathAction Axiom graphics requires the X-windows
>   environment. This can be done on the server using the virtual
>   framebuffer driver Xfbdev and fbrun or gRun. When Axiom is run
>   to process commands from a wiki page the Axiom command, e.g.: 
>        viewport1 := draw(sin x, x=-%Pi..Pi)
>   needs to be able to communicate with the graphics processor in
>   the X-windows environment to create the graphic image. Additional
>   Axiom commands can write this to a postscript file and display it
>   on the web page. E.g.: 
>        write(viewport1, "")
>        \begin{latex}
>        \psfig {} ...
>        \end{latex}
> Is anybody working on this?

Not that I know of. Almost a year ago! I did try running Axiom
inside fbrun and it seemed to work as I described. This is one
of those projects that I was hoping to get to real-soon-now. :)

> Is any more information you could provide me?

Hmmm... Well as I recall I did get so far as installing X-windows
with Xfbdev on but its been too long since
I did anything with this so I don't recall much more about it.

More later, gotta run.

Bill Page.


Jose Alfredo Perez

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