> > \documentclass{article}
 > > \usepackage{axiom}
 > > \begin{document}
 > > ...
 > > \end{document}

 > What is axiom.4ht? Can it be present in the source .tex even
 > if I just run latex to get the standard dvi, ps, and pdf?

The \usepackage{axiom} instruction requests a general purpose style
file axiom.sty.  When a compilation is done under tex4ht, a search is
automatically triggered for an extra axiom.4ht file.  An axiom.4ht
file is expected to introduce html configurations for the features
defined in axiom.sty.

 > Eitan Gurari was also working on a jsMath version of tex4ht. I am
 > not sure of the status of that version.

A jsmath configuration for tex4ht went public on 21 Dec 2005 (see


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