First of all, I want to point out that I don't want to advocate against
ALLPROSE for documentation, which is in fact an interesting development
Nevertheless, my contribution do the documentation discussion is
non-ALLPROSE. Did you consider using an "javadoc" style for

Of course. You certainly know about the +++ comments. These things have been invented before Java came into existence. The only problem with Aldor is that there is not yet a proper tool to make use of this data.

ALLPROSE hast \begin{+++} ... \end{+++} for that.

> E.g. doxygen is a mature and flexible tool aimed primary
at C++ but extended to some more languages.

Yep, doxygen is too much tailored for C/C++. If you make it work for Aldor, it might be worth another try.

But as Tim suggests, that is not the point of literate programming. LP is here to express your ideas and illustrate these ideas by real (in contrast to pseudo) code. So you basically write a research article (or so). In that sense I fully support Tim and Knuth.

But as you can see with my \begin{+++} ... \end{+++} environments, I also strongly believe that for using other peoples work it is often quite sufficient if you know about the API of what that library/program does on which you want to build. You do not usually want to read thousands of pages and books before you are able to write one single line of code.

I, for example, would be quite happy if someone writes a library for factorization of multivariate polynomials in an LP style and additionally gives me a short API description of what his function does and how I have to call it. I am simply not interested in learning all the difficult stuff about an efficient implementation and about tricks in this implementation to make it even more efficient. I want to use factorization. If I ever become interested in the details, I can come back to that later.

So my approach in ALLPROSE is to write in an LP style and *additionally* provide an API description for those who don't want to delve too deeply into the details.

If you can make some tool available that supports such a combined approach, I would be quite happy to see them.

But I would never sacrifice the LP approach to doxygen. Doxygen (to my taste--correct me if I'm wrong) is only about the API, ie half of the story -- if not less.


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