> Let us look at an example.  I wrote:
> ------------<start example>------------
> ....
>    ; Clean old data
>    (do-symbols (symbol)
>       (when (get symbol 'database)
>          (setf (get symbol 'database) nil)))
>    (setq *allconstructors* nil)
> ...
> ------------<end example>------------
> Do you think that:
> ------------<start example>------------
> ...
>    <<Clean old data>>
> ....
> ....
> To clean old data we loop over all symbols from [[boot]] package
> and reset [[boot::database]] property to [[nil]].  We also rest
> [boot::*allconstructors*]] to [[nil]].
> <<Clean old data>>=
>    (do-symbols (symbol)
>       (when (get symbol 'database)
>          (setf (get symbol 'database) nil)))
>    (setq *allconstructors* nil)
> ------------<end example>------------

I think it has been explained enough that the *why* it important...

I just want to remark that one can do quite remarkable things with noweb. Recently I wrote piece of code like that...

<<implementation: Compose>>=
structures(s: SetSpecies L): Generator % == generate {
  for pi in structures(s) $ SetPartition(L) repeat {
    <<Yield elements of $F[\pi]\times\prod_{p\in\pi} {G[p]}$>>

Of course there is the definition of F\circ G around that code chunk, but, it is nice that one can put (repeat) a part of that definition in the name of the code chunk. That very much helps to recognise the relation between code and corresponding mathematics.


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