On November 3, 2006 2:23 PM Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga wrote:
> I built the build-improvements branch with the GCL I made last
> night, and it looks like it works:

> Here's the build process:
> darcs get http://page.axiom-developer.org/repository/axiom-darcs/
>   535  chmod +x configure
>   536  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-gcl
>   552  chmod +x config/mkinstalldirs
>   553  make
>   568  ls target/powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0/bin/AXIOMsys
>   569  export
>   570  PATH=$PATH:$AXIOM/bin
>   571  AXIOMsys
> Success!
> darcs or the Mac mangled the permissions on configure and 
> config/mkinstalldirs, the rest went smoothly.

That's much easier than I expected. :-)

You only show running the Axiom main console program AXIOMsys.
How about the other parts of Axiom? If you type the command:

  $ axiom

You should see the hyperdoc window where you can browse the
Axiom library, run tutorial examples, search some documentation.
Does that work?

Note: We already suspect some possible errors in the display of
certain symbols in hyperdoc because of some mixed case file names,
e.g. Greek letters.

If you start Axiom as above and type the following Axiom command:

  (1) -> draw(sin x, x=0..2*%pi)

Does the Axiom graphics window open displaying the plot?

Finally, would you be willing to post a tarball of the Axiom
binaries distribution? You would create it like this:

  $ cd .../target
  $ tar czf powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0.tgz powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0

Then copy the tarball someplace where others can download it.

Thanks for giving this a try. As far as I know, you are only the
2nd person to ever report successfully running Axiom on a MAC!

Bill Page.

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