Greetings, and thanks so much!

What about 'golden'?  Would it be appropriate to make 'official' axiom
release tarballs from this branch when updated from silver?  Or is the
notion of 'release' slower than the progress of 'golden'?

Take care,

Gabriel Dos Reis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Camm Maguire wrote:
> | Greetings!
> |
> | If someone has a moment, could someone please explain to me the
> | relationship between the various axiom branches, and which one is
> | connected to an 'official release', and if same at such time will
> | accompany a tarball or not.
> Hi Camm,
>   As you see the project is a bit unfocused at the moment.
> However, there are basically three branches:
>   * silver -- this is a dayly mirror of the source bas ethat Tim uses.
>     It is effectively read-only, even if theoretically you could
>     commit there.  How it should evolve is unclear, and a lot of
>     debate is going on.
>   * build-improvements -- this is a branch that I maintain.  Its goal
>     is to bring Axiom to a state where the build machinery is
>     simplified for both developers and end-users: Ideallym they should
>     just say
>        ./configure && make && make install
>     I'm using Autoconf (no Automake at the moment).  You can commit to
>     that branch if you have write access to the SourceForge repository.
>     When completed, it will be proposed for merge to the main source.
>     People have been able to build and run Axiom from
>     build-improvements on systems that traditional releases of Axiom
>     where unable to support.
>     I did not originally anticipate making tarballs out of that
>     branch, but repeated experience with students and some users
>     around here had shown that I need to make a tarball.  I've done
>     that but, not officially.  Depending on how all this issue
>     developed, how much of interest it generates, and how long it
>     takes to complete the branch, I may have to make regular tarballs
>     out of that branch.  But, it is not something I planned on.  It is
>     up to the community.
>   * the third branch is by Antoine.  It "looks" less active at the
>     moment. I'm not really qualified to comment.
> -- Gaby

Camm Maguire                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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