
On Tuesday, November 07, 2006 6:31 PM you wrote:

> ... 
> What speaks so much against just adding .tex?
> Portability? Look at the output of
> cd build-improvements
> find . -name '*.*.pamphlet'
> Is there a plan to rename them all?

Ugh! You are right. Despite Gaby's implication, I can not think
of any file system in use today where we might want to run Axiom
that does not permit multiple dots in file names.

But yes, I think Tim did promote a plan that would (eventually)
change most of these names. For example I think all the .input
test files would likely be collected as chunks within a single
testing "volume" .pamphlet.

However pamphlet files with multiple chunks interact badly with
the make dependency processing since changing or adding a single
chunk in a pamphlet file triggers re-extraction of all files
dependent on that pamphlet and subseqent dependent make processing.
To over come this, we would have modify the 'document' script so
that it does not touch an existing file if it has not changed
(i.e. extract the chunk to a temporary file and overwrite the
original only if diff -q fails).

In the mean time, I think just renaming axiom.sty as Waldek
suggested is not so confusing, given the discussion in the rest
of this thread. Maybe instead of 'axiom-sty.pamphlet' something
like 'axiom-latex.pamphlet' might be a better name with
<<axiom.sty>= and possibly other latex-related chunks collected
in a single pamphlet file.

Bill Page.

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