On 11/15/2006 01:55 PM, Page, Bill wrote:
I tried writing:
test(a:Fraction UnivariatePolynomial(x, F)):Fraction
UnivariatePolynomial(x, F) ==
F)))$UnivariatePolynomial(x, F)
but Aldor continues to insist that there is no such elt that
returns Fraction UnivariatePolynomial(x, F). Perhaps it is a
compiler bug?
I cannot say whether that is a bug or not. I just tend to say it is.
When I started with Axiom, I always wondered about the "elt". Now I
interpret it as abbreviation of "element" whose meaning is similar to
extracting the n-th element of an array. So why not replacing "elt" by
the "." in the form given below?
#include "axiom.as"
P ==> UnivariatePolynomial(x,F);
Q ==> Fraction P;
TestEval(x: Symbol, F: Field): with {
test1: Q -> Q;
test2: Q -> Q;
} == add {
import from P;
test1(a: Q): Q == a.(1$Q);
test2(a: Q): Q == elt(a, 1$Q);
If you remove test2. That code compiles
F ==> Fraction Integer
P ==> UP(x, F)
Q ==> Fraction P
p1: P := x + 3
p2: P := x+4
q: Q := p1/p2
)co eval.as
T ==> TestEval(x, F)
(8) ->
(8) -
Type: Fraction UnivariatePolynomial(x,Fraction Integer)
The interesting part is when one simply writes ...
test1(a: Q): Q == a.1;
The error message will be...
)set compiler args "-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom
-Mno-Aldor_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra -mno-abbrev"
)co eval.as
"eval.as", line 11: test1(a: Q): Q == a.1;
[L11 C28] #1 (Error) There are 2 meanings for the operator `apply'.
Meaning 1: (Fraction(UnivariatePolynomial(x, F) pretend
IntegralDomain), Fraction(UnivariatePolynomial(x, F) pretend
IntegralDomain)) -> Fraction(UnivariatePolynomial(x, F) pretend
Meaning 2: (Fraction(UnivariatePolynomial(x, F)),
UnivariatePolynomial(x, F) pretend SetCategory) ->
Fraction(UnivariatePolynomial(x, F)) pretend Type
Ooops, "." is translated to "apply". Well, that is the usual translation
in Aldor. But since HyperDoc finds only one apply with 2 arguments and
there the first artument must be a Matrix, it seems that libaxiom.al
does not reflect the SPAD source code in a 1-1 manner. It is still
reasonable if we consider elt = apply, but I don't know where this
translation happened. I could not find it in Broadbery's code that
builds libaxiom.al. And so I am not even sure about whether elt=apply
actually holds. I am certainly missing something.
That compiling test2 fails is certainly in connection with elt=apply.
Who knows...
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