
Can I have in a package a function which define an other function 
from its own parameters ? Why ?


I continue to search pretty expand, combine and rewrite functions over

I have already defined a function expandONElevel for the main level
of an expression. 

It's possible to write a recursive map over Expressions 

But how can I utilize it for a recursive map ?

I want to compile, but I can't :

expand (x, MainParameters) ==
  fct1 y == expandONElevel (y, FromMainParameters)
  expandONElevel (recursiveMap (x, fct1))


I can compile a such example but I get internal error when I test it.

I can't write the fct1 function outside the expand function
because I need data from mainParameters.

Here is a minimal? package.

I compile it with a warning : 

; (DEFUN |ESS,mapRec;fct2| ...) is being compiled.
;; The variable |fct| is undefined.
;; The compiler will assume this variable is a global.

In the interpreter I add 
  df (x : Expression Integer) : Expression Integer == 2*x

mapRecA... mapRecE are right, but I can't use mapRec.

this test fails : mapRec (sin (3*x)+12*cos(5*exp (y)), df)

   Internal Error
   The function mapRec with signature hashcode is missing from domain
      EssaiMapRec(Integer)(Expression (Integer))

)abbrev package ESS EssaiMapRec

EssaiMapRec (R, F): Exports == Implementation where
  R : Join(OrderedSet, GcdDomain)
  F : Join(FunctionSpace R, TranscendentalFunctionCategory)

  K       ==> Kernel F                             
  P       ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial (R, K)  

  Exports ==> with
    mapRecA      : F -> F 
    mapRecB      : F -> F 
    mapRecC      : F -> F 
    mapRecD      : F -> F 
    mapRecE      : F -> F 
    mapRec       : (F, F-> F) -> F 

  Implementation ==> add

    import PolynomialCategoryLifting (IndexedExponents K, K, R, P, F)
    fctB : K -> F
    fctC : K -> F
    fctD : K -> F
    fctE : K -> F

    mapRecA x == 
      map (#1::F, #1::F, numer x) / map (#1::F, #1::F, denom x) 

    mapRecB x == 
      map (fctB, #1::F, numer x) / map (fctB, #1::F, denom x) 

    fctB k == sin (2::Integer::R::F)

    mapRecC x == 
      map (fctC, #1::F, numer x) / map (fctC, #1::F, denom x) 

    fctC k ==
      nullary? (op := operator k) => k::F
      arg := first argument k
      (sin (arg))::F

    mapRecD x == 
      map (fctD, #1::F, numer x) / map (fctD, #1::F, denom x) 

    fctD k ==
      nullary? (op := operator k) => k::F
      arg := first argument k
      (sin (mapRecD arg))::F

    mapRecE x == 
      map (fctE, #1::F, numer x) / map (fctE, #1::F, denom x) 

    fctE k == 2::R::F * k::F

    mapRec (x, fct) == 
      fct2 (y:K):F == fct (y::F)
--      fct2 (y:K):F == x * fct (y::F) 
      map (fct2, #1::F, numer x) / map (fct2, #1::F, numer x) 

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