Dear Tim, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Martin, > > Sorry for the delay in your question about working together on the hyperdoc > issue. I've been giving it some thought. I have a long term view of the > "porting problem" which might be different from your (or anyone else's) view > so this is purely my opinion. I'd welcome feedback on it. Thanks for answering. However, I must admit that your answer is quite disappointing for me. I'm not interested in having a hyperdoc replacement, be it as good as it may, next year or even later. I need something that's usable this september. And last but not least, I disagree entirely with you that the design of hyperdoc is dated. Quite on the contrary, I think it's mostly *very* intelligently done. If I compare to Mathematica, Maple, Maxima and even MuPAD, it is *far* better. (The design of HyperDoc, that is. I'm not at all talking about the missing documentation.) Furthermore, your idea of using lisp for everything sounds quite dangerous to me. It sounds like: I don't really know what I'm going to do, but I'm going to use lisp. And replacing LaTeX with some lisp typesetter is, in my opinion, the most stupid thing that could happen to axiom. If you manage to do graphics as nice as currently available, I'd love it. In any case, since we are probably both continuing on our own, maybe you could still tell me how to get users, uses, dependents and depends. After all, this would have to be part of the "Crystal", too? Martin _______________________________________________ Axiom-developer mailing list