* certain difficulties transforming Tuples
I assume your talking about the issues raised in the article I mentioned
I just checked. Although I'm still not completely sure, but I think the
problem we have is that Tuples are *not quite* first class citizens, quite
contrary to the recommendation of PollThompson.
Suppose you want a constructor like
M(T: Tuple Cat): MCat(T) == add {...}
for some given category Cat (For simplicity, lets say
define Cat: Category == with {=:(%,%)->Boolean}
. The question now is how do I define MCat and the corresponding add
{...} in such a way that I am able to generate an element of M in a
simple form.
Basically, I want to say...
import from Integer, String, Boolean;
import from M(Integer, String);
import from M(String, String, Boolean);
a := m(4,"a");
b := m("x", "y", true);
Do you have an idea how to define the function m generically?
Also I would probably like to have
s: String := b.2;
i: Integer := a.1;
q: Boolean := b.3;
Try to define this apply function.
Important, I want to have as much type safety as possible, i.e. If I
would have written
c := m(1, "x", false);
the compiler should already shout that the type of the first argument
doesn't fit.
Good luck.
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