> That said, you have recently agreed to allow me to use the paper I
> converted as the basis for a pamphlet form of your work. Since you
> disagree so strongly about making pamphlets perhaps we can compromise.
> I'll make an effort to understand your algebra and an effort to write
> a pamphlet form. All I ask is that you have the patience to review it,
> explain what I don't understand, and correct the nonsense. Perhaps when
> you've seen it done you'll be more convinced of the power of literate
> programming.

The ability to review a pamphlet depends on familiarity with
that format, which I don't have. But I'll answer any
questions you may have on the paper or code. In fact, if you
(or anyone else) send me questions, I'll answer them and
maybe we can then piece together some form of documentation
satisfactory to all concerned. I think MathAction Wiki pages
may be one media to start this.

There is one problem: I do not know whether copyright (by
Journal of Symbolic Computation) may be violated if large
chunks of my paper is reproduced on the web. It is fair use
to send an individual who asks me a copy, but I believe any
mass distribution would require prior copyright clearance
(the same legal reason why a library cannot distribute
printed copies of articles in a pile, say for use in a
course, but may make an individual copy for anyone who


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