I think this quote from Karl Fogel's book (http://producingoss.com/)
answers your question:

The transience, or rather the potential transience, of relationships
is perhaps the single most daunting task facing a new project. What
will persuade all these people to stick together long enough to
produce something useful? The answer to that question is complex
enough to occupy the rest of this book, but if it had to be expressed
in one sentence, it would be this:

   People should feel that their connection to a project, and
influence over it, is directly proportional to their contributions.

No class of developers, or potential developers, should ever feel
discounted or discriminated against for non-technical reasons.


The current widespread model is that a project maintains a stable
distribution (Gold) and an unstable distribution (silver). Silver
changes are proposed using diff-Naur patches. Silver commits are
done by a very limited number of people (usually one).

Every other project I'm associated currently associated with,
every other project I've worked on large (Fedora) or small (Common
Lisp Library) uses the same model. Even super-large projects like
Linux and Firefox use this model.

GCL, for instance, uses this model. Camm has recently made changes
on the ANSI branch which are distinctly non-ansi (e.g. *safety-level* 4)
and this raises no comment.

Up until November of 2006 I was publishing Axiom Gold releases on a
best-effort, two-month schedule using the same model. It worked
perfectly well to get us up to the last Gold.

Please explain why you think Axiom should be a democratic model.

Please explain why you feel, as a self-declared algebra developer,
you have a need to vote on machinery (gclweb.lisp) below the algebra
which enables function you will never use.


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