
here is an algebra question for a change.
I need a version of MonoidRing for MonoidWithZero.
That is, the monoid has a "zero" element which also becomes the zero element of its monoid ring and thus needs special treatment. For this I need (so I think) both a Category MonoidWithZero, which is easy, and a special version of MonoidRing which knows how to treat the zero element. I would like to reuse as much as possible from MonoidRing, however I realized that MonoidRingCategory is only locally defined in mring.spad:

MonoidRing(R: Ring, M: Monoid): MRcategory == MRdefinition where
    Term ==> Record(coef: R, monom: M)

    MRcategory ==> Join(Ring, RetractableTo M, RetractableTo R) with

Is there a smart way to reuse this without completely rewriting it?

thanks for your attention

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