Hello *,

Each layer of syntax brings in extra complications. For example, with the standard noweb syntax one cannot use << and >> unescaped. When there are many layers and many things to be escaped by different characters, things become unreadable. For example, if I want to find all lines with \\ in my LaTeX file, I have to say

grep \\\\\\\\ foo.tex

because of regex escapes and shell escapes (yes, I know how to write it a little shorter, but I just wanted to show an example with multi-layes escapes due to the regex syntax and the shell syntax). Similar things happen in C strings with regexes, etc. The fewer layers, escapes and syntaxes, the better.

noweb is (as far as I know) not flexible enough to do axiom-specific things (like introspection). Such things should be done by axiom components, like compiler. And it is equally easy to teach it to understand \begin{chunk}{foo} ... \end{chunk} as the noweb syntax. One layer less, no need to escape << and >>.


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