
On 07/27/2007 11:46 PM, C Y wrote:
I'll make one more stab at asking my question, using a more concrete
illustration this time.

Gaby's slides reminded me of the ongoing Lisp vs. Boot situation we
have in the Axiom project - there are two camps both firmly committed
to Lisp or Boot respectively.

Unlike the question of literate programming tools, this is fundamental
- pursuing both goals at the same time in the same project is
nonsensical.  Both camps appear to be willing to do the work, but at
some point if work on both directions continues there will be a
collision between the two.

Why does everyone see collisions? We should aim for a modular Axiom,
  runtime system
  algebra libraries
  user interface

with a clear specification it doesn't matter whether the compiler is written in Boot, SPAD, LISP, or C or Haskell. The compiler should be called if needed. Why would the language it is written in matter?

Similar for the interpreter or runtime system, etc.

Why cannot that all live under the hat of "Axiom"? Some people like to have a compiler in LISP, some in BOOT. Those people don't agree, which will probably lead to two compilers that do the same thing. It is only inportant that the specification is clear. Would it be bad to have two compilers? Three?

Clearly, if people don't agree on one language that splits developers, but the goal is to provides a mathematical and intuitive user interface that is supported by a typed programming language. We all work to that goal don't we? There is no need to fork again just because some people like LISP and some don't. The common goal lives some levels up.

Collaboration, not separation.


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