--- "M. Edward (Ed) Borasky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't have these in print, but they are both from the Journal Of
> Forth Applications Research (JFAR). It used to be in Rochester, NY,
> but appears to have found a home on line at
> http://dec.bournemouth.ac.uk/forth/jfar/index.html
> Unfortunately, what's on line there for volume 5 is completely
> different from what you are looking for. :(

Yep, that threw me.  Are there two JFARs?

> Places you can try:
> 1. The University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. Their library
> probably has copies, since it was there in 1988 when the papers
> were published.

That's a thought.

> 2. The Forth Archive on Taygeta (http://www.taygeta.com/forth.html)
> ... seems to be down/not responding at the moment :(

Up now.  Sweet, thanks!

> 3. Mountain View Press (http://www.theforthsource.com) ... also seems
> to be down

Back up :).

> 4. Forth Interest Group (http://www.forth.org) ... ditto down ...
> must be something icky going on in the Bay Area Forth community --
> they may be sharing a server, although I thought Taygeta was in
> Monterey.

Looks like they're all functioning now.
> 5. Forth, Inc. undoubtedly has copies in their library, since the
> head of the company, Elizabeth Rather, was the second Forth 
> programmer. :)
> Or just ask on comp.lang.forth -- perhaps the original authors still
> hang out there or someone there has a copy.

That's a good idea!  Thanks!

> Incidentally, I "do" have Dick Pountain's "Object-Oriented Forth",
> which is probably as good a reference for implementing other
> languages on a Forth base as you're likely to find anywhere. If
> you're in the mood to re-invent a wheel or two, I'd recommend
> starting there.

Thanks!  I see it's on Amazon for $35 - is that a good price?
> >> 1. I think the HP 28 / 48 / 49 series of calculators' RPL (Reverse
> >> Polish Lisp) might be something to look at. I almost always
> >> programmed it in the RPN form rather than the algebraic form,
> >> although it supports both. In any case, it's a very elegant
> language.
> > 
> > Indeed.  Is there a language definition somewhere for those
> > calculators?
> I don't know for sure, but there are quite a few books on the HP-48,
> especially assembly-language hacking. The 49 series has been
> completely re-hosted -- they're not on the ancient 4-bit chip any
> more -- so they might not be much use. The primary marketplace for
> HP and TI CAS-type calculators these days seems to be for students
> to study for and use in the SAT exams, not working mathematicians or
> engineers. Us folks are assumed to have (or be able to build) better
> tools. :)

I dunno - despite the availability of CASs for years now, a lot of
folks see to be reluctant to give up their HP calculators ;-).  I
wonder why someone doesn't re-create the HP-48 - that seems to be a
sweet spot in calculator history.

Cheers, and thanks!

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