With many thanks to Steve for his unfailing support, good advice, and
endless patience I would like to announce that we have a beta version
of ASDF-Literate working - the Another System Definition Facility
utility commonly used for easy handling of libraries in modern Lisp

There are still a fair number of kinks to be worked out and the
documentation needs a good going over, but I am able to use asdf to
tangle, weave, compile, load and latex pamphlet files in defsystem
definitions.  This version uses the new Axweb tool and defines a lisp
replacement for the document command.

Primary TODO:

1.  Make :depends-on function as expected.
2.  Additional robustness testing
3.  Add worked example to documentation.

Currently it is functioning on sbcl and the latest ANSI gcl.  It uses
two external packages - ASDF (of course) and MD5 (a.k.a cl-md5).

Those interested can see the current beta files at:


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