On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:

| Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
| > On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
| > 
| > | > Whether those those two categories are equal in the sense that
| > | > "=" returns true is entirely a matter semantics attached to
| > | > the "with"-construct.  There is no predefined choice.
| > | 
| > | Yes, I understand and agree. I don't even remember that I have seen
| > | clearly
| > | that I have seen a statement in the AUG that says that
| > | 
| > |   with {}
| > | 
| > | and
| > | 
| > |   with {}
| > | 
| > | would necessarily two identical or non-identical things. Maybe that should
| > | be
| > | considered a bug in the documentation.
| > | 
| > | And that Foo(Integer) is different from Foo(String) but equal to
| > | Foo(Integer)
| > | you can only assure if the language restricted to types is functional.
| > Hmm; I'm lost.  Could you elaborate on the last paragraph?
| We certainly agree that Foo(Integer) could be but need not be equal to
| Foo(String) since that depends on the definition whether the above two "with"
| expressions should be considered equal or not. That should clearly be
| specified and we are done.

Yes, I agree.

| Now you surely want
| Foo(Integer)
| and
| Foo(Integer)
| (in a reasonably close context) to refer to the same thing otherwise...

I also agree with that.

| In
| if Integer has Foo(Integer) then ..
| if Integer has Foo(Integer) then ..
| you probably don't want to evaluate Foo twice.

In fact, you could evaluate it twice.  The first time, it could setup
a timestamp saying that it is evaluated.  The second time, it would
just return the previously evaluated type.  See the very nice recent work
of dreyer on that subject

using what he called "destination-passing" evaluation strategy.

| (But actually the Aldor
| compiler should since here Foo(Integer) does not appear in "type context" (AUG
| Section 7.3).)
| At the moment I don't find I nice example for categories, so let me to switch
| to another example.
| define Cat: Category == with;
| define Ying: Category == with {
|   1: %
|   foo: (%, %) -> %;
| }
| Dom(D: Cat): Ying == add {
|   Rep == Integer;
|   import from Rep;
|   1: % == per(1$Rep);
|   foo(x:%, y:%):% == per(rep x + rep y);
| }
| DI: Cat == Dom(Integer) add;
| DS: Cat == Dom(String)  add;
| DJ: Cat == Dom(Integer) add;
| DI, DJ, and DS are 3 different domains (because of the "add").
| (Which means the compiler should forbid
|   (foo$DI)(1$DJ, 1$DJ)


| You probably would like
|   (foo$DI)(1$DI, 1$DI)
| to work.


| What about
|   (foo$Dom(Integer))(1$Dom(Integer), 1$Dom(Integer))
| ?

I would like it to work too.

| You agree that the "add" part of Dom(Integer) and Dom(String) are identical
| (in source code). (So many different equality meanings, its hard to tell
| somebody else what I actually mean.)
| I probably should not be able to call
|   (foo$Dom(Integer))(1$Dom(String), 1$Dom(String))
| right?


| But allowing
|   (foo$Dom(Integer))(1$Dom(Integer), 1$Dom(Integer))
| and forbidding
|   (foo$Dom(Integer))(1$Dom(String), 1$Dom(String))
| can only be done if you have a functional language when it comes to types.

Surely, a functional type system will ease that.  But is it necessary?
I'm not saying we should have a non-functional type system; I'm curious
as of the logical  implications one way or the other.

| Dom(Integer) should be the same as Dom(Integer) in
|   (foo$Dom(Integer))(1$Dom(Integer), 1$Dom(Integer))
| otherwise that does not typecheck.

Yes.  That works within Dreyer's framework, I think.


| In case of Foo(Integer) and Foo(String) there would be no (implemented) "="
| anyway. We cannot compare domains and cannot compare categories. All we could
| do is to use "pretend" and compare pointers. But uhhhhh..... nobody wants
| that.

Right -- I don't want pretend and pointer comparion that way :-)
At least not in "everyday programs".

-- Gaby

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