
+I haven't checked this with Tim but I think it his intention to retain
+ownership of the '' domain for the foreseeable
+future independent of what ever happens to the ''
+server. Even though the Axiom wiki and portal applications will not be
+running on the '' server at some time in the near
+future, it is possible of the owner of a domain to map specific names
+in that domain to other machines. So with Tim's help we could manage
+to keep the names  '' and
+'' pointing at working versions of the Axiom
+wiki and portal. Of course these web sites are always subject to
+change over time since that is the nature of the applications but I do
+not think you should fear that the link in your paper will not work in
+the immediate future.

In the interest of keeping things running we can point the names
you need to the new server location and continue to use and 
Feel free to change the httpd.conf file to forward-point.
Thus Martin's references should continue to function.

The server costs have been rising due to the huge data loads on the
machine. I need to reduce that monthly outlay so I plan to strip most
of the non-essential data. Most of the data costs are associated with
the wiki, the portal, and your home directory. It is costing me
several thousand dollars a year to maintain that server at the present
time and the costs have risen every month. At the current rate of rise
the server will cost me about $5000./yr within a year. I need to reduce
this cost considerably. Thus, I've asked you to find another server
and William Stein has been kind enough to host your effort.


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