Dear Axiom Fans,

The move of the Axiom Wiki and the Axiom Portal that was announced
last month is now nearly complete. Monday, November 26 is the official
date for the release of the new Axiom Wiki:

and the new Axiom Portal

which is now hosted on the Sage server operated by William Stein at
the University of Washington. On Monday the old urls:      ** obsolete **

and   **obsolete **

will be automatically re-directed to the new sites. Later that week,
all wiki and portal files will be removed from the
server. Tim Daly has plans that he will announce separately for
re-allocating resources on this server to focus on the goals of the
original Axiom project.

The new site is intended to support all three Axiom-related projects
(the original project plus OpenAxiom and the FriCAS forks), as well as
Aldor as a library compiler for Axiom. In addition to Axiom the wiki
and portal include interfaces for Reduce, Maxima and Sage. It also
supports pages containing noweb literate programs (pamphlets) and
graphics generated by graphviz.

All bug reports and issues from the old wiki site have been
transferred to the new site and an updated version of the customized
Topic navigation has been implemented at the new site (left sidebar).
The only feature that has not (yet) been implemented at the new site
is the point-and-click assistant extension of the edit and comment
forms. I am not certain whether this feature is really desirable since
in increases the size and there for the rendering time of every page
on the site. I would be glad to receive opinions about this.

If find any of your favorite pages from the old site are missing at
the new site, there is still time to transfer the page source from old
to the new. If you need help with doing this just let me know. Some of
the pages on the new axiom-wiki site do not yet reflect the current
state of the Axiom-related projects. Your help in updating the pages
at the new axiom-wiki site would be greatly appreciated.

If your were registered as a user of the old Axiom Portal site, your
account has *not* been automatically transferred to the new site. If
you have some files or other content that you wish to preserve and
transfer to the new site, please register at the new site:

and if necessary ask me for help in transferring the content.

Bill Page.

Axiom-developer mailing list

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