This patch is part of the browser-based hyperdoc work.

With this patch three new features are created for AJAX.

1) It is now possible to have an input field that contains lisp code.
   This is useful for calling lisp code underlying Axiom directly.
   For example:

   <input type="submit" id="p3" class="subbut" 

   will essentially perform the Axiom command line


2) It is now possible return the results of a show command. For example:

   <input type="submit" id="p3" class="subbut" 
    value=")show Vector" />

   will essentially perform the Axiom command line

   )show Vector

   the output will be displayed inline in the web page. The
   replace-entities code is used to replace special characters with
   their entity values.

3) It is now possible to show hyperdoc pages that show a domain,
   category, or package ala Hyperdoc, although not all of the fields
   are currently displayed. 

   <a href="db.html?Vector">Vector</a>

   will show a new page with the information from various databases.


diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 23d4812..652e829 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+20071208 tpd src/algebra/axserver.spad add makeDBPage, getShow
+20071208 tpd src/interp/http.lisp add replace-entities
 20071206 tpd src/interp/daase.lisp find the right sourcefile (bug 7020)
 20071205 wxh src/algebra/mathml fix empty list on continuedFraction bug (7014)
 20071205 wxh src/algebra/mathml remove code to eat %% (bug 7016)
diff --git a/src/algebra/axserver.spad.pamphlet 
index ead58da..57ab398 100644
--- a/src/algebra/axserver.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/axserver.spad.pamphlet
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra axserver.spad}
-\author{Arthur C. Ralfs}
+\author{Arthur C. Ralfs, Timothy Daly}
 The AxiomServer package is designed to provide a web interface
@@ -21,17 +21,35 @@ AxiomServer: public == private where
    axServer: (Integer, SExpression->Void) -> Void
    multiServ: SExpression -> Void
+   getDatabase: (String,String) -> String
  private == add
    getFile: (SExpression,String) -> Void
    getCommand: (SExpression,String) -> Void
+   getDescription: String -> String
+   getLisp: (SExpression,String) -> Void
+   getShow: (SExpression,String) -> Void
    lastStep: () -> String
    lastType: () -> String
    formatMessages: String -> String
+   makeErrorPage: String -> String
+   getSourceFile: (String,String,String) -> String
+   makeDBPage: String -> String
    getContentType: String -> String
+   readTheFile: SExpression -> String 
+   outputToSocket: (SExpression,String,String) -> Void 
+   getDatabase(constructor:String, key:String):String ==
+     answer:=string GETDATABASE(INTERN$Lisp constructor,INTERN$Lisp key)$Lisp
+     WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getDatabase: ",constructor," ",key," ",answer]
+     answer
+The axServer function handles the socket connection on the given port.
+When it gets a input on the socket it calls the server
+function on the socket input.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
    axServer(port:Integer,serverfunc:SExpression->Void):Void ==
      s := SiSock(port,serverfunc)$Lisp
@@ -44,66 +62,255 @@ AxiomServer: public == private where
 --        i := 0
+The multiServ function parses the socket input.
+It expects either a GET or POST request.
+A GET request fetches a new page, calling ``getFile''.
+A POST request starts with 
+\item ``command='' which expects axiom interpreter commands. 
+       When this is recognized we call the ``getCommand'' function.
+\item ``lispcall='' which expects lisp interpreter input
+       When this is recognized we call the ``getLisp'' function.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
    multiServ(s:SExpression):Void ==
-         WriteLine("multiServ begin")$Lisp
-         headers:String := ""
-         char:String
-         -- read in the http headers
-         while (char := 
STRING(READ_-CHAR_-NO_-HANG(s,NIL$Lisp,'EOF)$Lisp)$Lisp) ^= "EOF" repeat
-             headers := concat [headers,char]
-         sayTeX$Lisp headers
-         StringMatch("([^ ]*)", headers)$Lisp
+     WriteLine("multiServ begin")$Lisp
+     headers:String := ""
+     char:String
+     -- read in the http headers
+     while (char := _
+       STRING(READ_-CHAR_-NO_-HANG(s,NIL$Lisp,'EOF)$Lisp)$Lisp) ^= "EOF"_
+        repeat
+         headers := concat [headers,char]
+     sayTeX$Lisp headers
+     StringMatch("([^ ]*)", headers)$Lisp
+     u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
+     u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,_
+                  MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
+     reqtype:String := headers.u
+     sayTeX$Lisp  concat ["request type: ",reqtype]
+     if  reqtype = "GET" then
+         StringMatch("GET ([^ ]*)",headers)$Lisp
+         u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
+         u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,_
+                      MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
+         getFile(s,headers.u)
+     if reqtype = "POST" and StringMatch("command=(.*)$",headers)$Lisp > 0
+      then
+         u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
+         u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,_
+                      MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
+         getCommand(s,headers.u)
+     if reqtype = "POST" and StringMatch("lispcall=(.*)$",headers)$Lisp > 0
+      then
-         u := 
-         reqtype:String := headers.u
-         sayTeX$Lisp  concat ["request type: ",reqtype]
-         if  reqtype = "GET" then
-             StringMatch("GET ([^ ]*)",headers)$Lisp
-             u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
-             u := 
-             getFile(s,headers.u)
-         if reqtype = "POST" then
-             StringMatch("command=(.*)$",headers)$Lisp
-             u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
-             u := 
-             getCommand(s,headers.u)
-         WriteLine("multiServ end")$Lisp
-         WriteLine("")$Lisp
+         u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,_
+                      MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
+         getLisp(s,headers.u)
+     if reqtype = "POST" and StringMatch("showcall=(.*)$",headers)$Lisp > 0
+      then
+         u:UniversalSegment(Integer)
+         u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,_
+                      MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
+         getShow(s,headers.u)
+     WriteLine("multiServ end")$Lisp
+     WriteLine("")$Lisp
+Given a socket and the URL of the file we create an input stream 
+that contains the file. If the filename contains a question mark
+then we need to parse the parameters and dynamically construct the
+file contents.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
    getFile(s:SExpression,pathvar:String):Void ==
-       WriteLine("")$Lisp
-       WriteLine("getFile")$Lisp
-       if not null? PATHNAME_-NAME(PATHNAME(pathvar)$Lisp)$Lisp then
-       -- display contents of file
-       --first determine Content-Type from file extension
-           contentType:String := getContentType(pathvar)
-           q:=Open(pathvar)$Lisp
-           if null? q then
-             q := MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("File doesn't exist")$Lisp
-             WriteLine("File does not exist.")$Lisp
+     WriteLine("")$Lisp
+     WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getFile: ",pathvar]
+     params:=split(pathvar,char "?")
+     if #params = 1 
+      then if not null? PATHNAME_-NAME(PATHNAME(pathvar)$Lisp)$Lisp 
+       then
+         contentType:String := getContentType(pathvar)
+         q:=Open(pathvar)$Lisp
+         if null? q 
+           then
+             q := MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(_
+                   makeErrorPage("File doesn't exist"))$Lisp
-           q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM("Problem with file path")$Lisp
-       file:String := ""
-       WriteLine("begin reading file")$Lisp
-       r := MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp
-       SiCopyStream(q,r)$Lisp
-       filestream:String := GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(r)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(r)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(q)$Lisp
-       WriteLine("end reading file")$Lisp
-       filelength:String := string(#filestream)
-       file := concat ["Content-Length: 
-       file := concat ["Connection: close",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
-       file := concat ["Content-Type: 
-       file := concat ["HTTP/1.1 200 OK",STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp,file]
-       file := concat [file,filestream]
-       f:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(file)$Lisp
-       SiCopyStream(f,s)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(f)$Lisp
-       CLOSE(s)$Lisp
-       WriteLine("getFile end")$Lisp
-       WriteLine("")$Lisp
+         q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(_
+             makeErrorPage("Problem with file path"))$Lisp
+      else
+       q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(makeDBPage(pathvar))$Lisp
+     outputToSocket(s,readTheFile(q),contentType)     
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   makeErrorPage(msg:String):String ==
+     page:String:="<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "
+     page:=page "_"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN_" "
+     page:=page "_"";>"
+     page:=page "<html xmlns=_"";>"
+     page:=page "<head><title>Error</title></head><body>" msg "</body></html>"
+     WriteLine(page)$Lisp
+     page
+We need to fish around in the data structure to return the piece of 
+documentation for the domain. We have to call the lisp version of
+GETDATABASE because the version above returns a string object. The
+string object is missing quotes and cannot be properly read. So we
+need to get the lisp object and work with it in native form first.
+The doc string also contains spad markup which we need to replace with html.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   getDescription(dom:String):String ==
+    string d
+During build we construct a hash table that takes the chunk name as
+the key and returns the filename. We reconstruct the chunk name here
+and do a lookup for the source file.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   getSourceFile(constructorkind:String,_
+                 abbreviation:String,_
+                 dom:String):String ==
+     sourcekey:="@<<" constructorkind " " abbreviation " " dom ">>"
+     WriteLine(sourcekey)$Lisp
+     sourcefile:=lowerCase last split(getDatabase(dom,"SOURCEFILE"),char "/") 
+     sourcefile:=sourcefile ".pamphlet"
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   makeDBPage(pathvar:String):String ==
+     params:=split(pathvar,char "?")
+     args:=split(params.2, char "&")
+     dom:=args.1
+     domi:=INTERN(dom)$Lisp
+     -- category, domain, or package?
+     constructorkind:=getDatabase(dom,"CONSTRUCTORKIND")
+     abbreviation:=getDatabase(dom, "ABBREVIATION")
+     sourcefile:=getDatabase(dom, "SOURCEFILE")
+     constructorkind.1:=upperCase constructorkind.1
+     description:=getDescription(dom)
+     page:String:="<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "
+     page:=page "_"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN_" "
+     page:=page "_"";>"
+     page:=page "<html xmlns=_"";>"
+     page:=page "<head>"
+     page:=page "<meta http-equiv=_"Content-Type_" content=_"text/html_"" 
+     page:=page " charset=_"us-ascii_"/>"
+     page:=page "<title>" constructorkind " " dom "</title></head>"
+     page:=page "<style> html { background-color: #FFFF66; } </style>"
+     page:=page "<body>"
+     page:=page "<div align=_"center_">"
+     page:=page "<img align=_"middle_" src=_"doctitle.png_"/></div><hr/>"
+     page:=page "<div align=_"center_">" constructorkind " " dom "</div><hr/>"
+     page:=page "<table>"
+     page:=page "<tr><td valign=_"top_">Description:  </td>"
+     page:=page "<td>" description  "</td></tr>"
+     page:=page "<tr><td>Abbreviation: </td><td>" abbreviation "</td></tr>"
+     page:=page "<tr><td>Source File:  </td><td>" sourcefile   "</td></tr>"
+     page:=page "</table><hr/>"
+     page:=page "<table>"
+     page:=page "<tr>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Ancestors_">Ancestors</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Dependents_">Dependents</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Exports_">Exports</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Parents_">Parents</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Users_">Users</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "</tr>"
+     page:=page "<tr>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Attributes_">Attributes</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Examples_">Examples</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Operations_">Operations</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=SearchPath_">Search Path</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "<td>"
+     page:=page "<a href=_"?" dom "&lookup=Uses_">Uses</a>"
+     page:=page "</td>"
+     page:=page "</tr>"
+     page:=page "</table>"
+     page:=page "</body></html>"
+--     WriteLine(page)$Lisp
+     page
+We have q which is a stream which contains the file. We read the file
+into a string-stream to get it all into one string. We return the string.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   readTheFile(q:SExpression):String ==
+     WriteLine("begin reading file")$Lisp
+     r := MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp
+     SiCopyStream(q,r)$Lisp
+     filestream:String := GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(r)$Lisp
+     CLOSE(r)$Lisp
+     CLOSE(q)$Lisp
+     WriteLine("end reading file")$Lisp
+     filestream
+We have ``s'' which is the socket, ``filestream'' which is the text of
+the file to output, and ``contentType'' which is the HTML Content-Type.
+We construct the HTML header information according to the standard and
+prepend it to the file. The resulting string is output to the socket.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   outputToSocket(s:SExpression,filestream:String,contentType:String):Void ==
+     filelength:String := string(#filestream)
+     file:String := ""
+     nl:String:=STRING(NewLine$Lisp)$Lisp
+     file := concat ["Content-Length: ",filelength,nl,nl,file]
+     file := concat ["Connection: close",nl,file]
+     file := concat ["Content-Type: ",contentType,nl,file]
+     file := concat ["HTTP/1.1 200 OK",nl,file]
+     file := concat [file,filestream]
+     WriteLine(file)$Lisp
+     f:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(file)$Lisp
+     SiCopyStream(f,s)$Lisp
+     CLOSE(f)$Lisp
+     CLOSE(s)$Lisp
+The getCommand function is invoked when the HTTP request is a POST
+and contains the string "command". Essentially the game here is
+to rebind the various output streams used by Axiom so we can
+capture the normal output. This function returns a set of HTML 5 div
+\item stepnum, the value of lastStep()
+\item command, the value of the  command variable
+\item algebra, the value of the algebra variable
+\item mathml, the value of the mathml variable
+\item type, the value of lastType()
+The HTML functions in the hyperdoc browser depend on the order
+of these variables so do not change this without changing the
+corresponding functions in the browser HTML.
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
    getCommand(s:SExpression,command:String):Void ==
        WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getCommand: ",command]
        SETQ(tmpmathml$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
@@ -112,34 +319,32 @@ AxiomServer: public == private where
        SETQ(savealgebra$Lisp, _$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
---      parseAndInterpret$Lisp command
---      parseAndEvalStr$Lisp command
--- The previous two commands don't exit nicely when a syntactically incorrect 
command is
--- given to them.  They somehow need to be wrapped in CATCH statements but I 
--- figured out how to do this.  parseAndEvalToStringEqNum  uses the following 
--- statements to call parseAndEvalStr but when I try these they don't work.  I 
get a
--- "NIL is not a valid identifier to use in AXIOM" message. Using 
--- works and doesn't crash on a syntax error.
---        v := CATCH('SPAD__READER, CATCH('top__level, parseAndEvalStr$Lisp 
---        v = 'restart => ['"error"]
        ans := string parseAndEvalToStringEqNum$Lisp command
+       SETQ(resultmathml$Lisp,_
+            GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(resultalgebra$Lisp,_
+            GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
        -- Since strings returned from axiom are going to be displayed in html I
        -- should really check for the characters &,<,> and replace them with
-       -- &amp;,&lt;,&gt;.  At present I only check for ampersands in 
+       -- &amp;,&lt;,&gt;.  
+       -- At present I only check for ampersands in formatMessages.
        mathml:String := string(resultmathml$Lisp)
        algebra:String := string(resultalgebra$Lisp)
        algebra := formatMessages(algebra)
        -- At this point mathml contains the mathml for the output but does not
-       -- include step number or type information.  We should also save the 
+       -- include step number or type information.  
+       -- We should also save the command.
        -- I get the type and step number from the $internalHistoryTable
---       axans:String := concat ["<div><div class=_"command_">(",lastStep(),") 
-> ",command,"</div><div class=_"algebra_">",algebra,"</div><div 
class=_"mathml_">",mathml,"</div><div class=_"type_">Type: 
-       axans:String := concat ["<div class=_"stepnum_">", lastStep(), 
"</div><div class=_"command_">", command, "</div><div 
class=_"algebra_">",algebra,"</div><div class=_"mathml_">",mathml,"</div><div 
+       axans:String := _
+         concat ["<div class=_"stepnum_">", lastStep(), "</div>_
+                  <div class=_"command_">", command, "</div>_
+                  <div class=_"algebra_">",algebra,"</div>_
+                  <div class=_"mathml_">",mathml,"</div>_
+                  <div class=_"type_">",lastType(),"</div>"]       
        WriteLine$Lisp concat ["mathml answer: ",mathml]
        WriteLine$Lisp concat ["algebra answer: ",algebra]
@@ -148,19 +353,120 @@ AxiomServer: public == private where
-   lastType():String ==
---  The last history entry is the first item in the $internalHistoryTable list 
---  car(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp) selects it.  Here's an example:
---  (3 (x+y)**3 (% (value (Polynomial (Integer)) WRAPPED 1 y (3 0 . 1) (2 1 x 
(1 0 . 3)) (1 1 x (2 0 . 3)) (0 1 x (3 0 . 1)))))
---  This corresponds to the input "(x+y)**3" being issued as the third command 
---  starting axiom.  The following line selects the type information.
-       string 
+The getLisp function is invoked when the HTTP request is a POST
+and contains the string "lispcall".
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   getLisp(s:SExpression,command:String):Void ==
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getLisp: ",command]
+       evalresult:=EVAL(READ_-FROM_-STRING(command)$Lisp)$Lisp
+       mathml:String:=string(evalresult)
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getLisp: after ",mathml]
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getLisp output: ",mathml]
+       SETQ(tmpalgebra$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(savemathml$Lisp, _$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(savealgebra$Lisp, _$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,tmpmathml$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(resultalgebra$Lisp,_
+            GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,savemathml$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,savealgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
+       CLOSE(tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
+       -- Since strings returned from axiom are going to be displayed in html I
+       -- should really check for the characters &,<,> and replace them with
+       -- &amp;,&lt;,&gt;.  
+       -- At present I only check for ampersands in formatMessages.
+       algebra:String := string(resultalgebra$Lisp)
+       algebra := formatMessages(algebra)
+       -- At this point mathml contains the mathml for the output but does not
+       -- include step number or type information.  
+       -- We should also save the command.
+       -- I get the type and step number from the $internalHistoryTable
+       axans:String := _
+        concat ["<div class=_"stepnum_">", lastStep(), "</div>_
+                 <div class=_"command_">", command, "</div>_
+                 <div class=_"algebra_">",algebra,"</div>_
+                 <div class=_"mathml_">",mathml,"</div>_
+                 <div class=_"type_">",lastType(),"</div>"]       
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["mathml answer: ",mathml]
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["algebra answer: ",algebra]
+       q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(axans)$Lisp
+       SiCopyStream(q,s)$Lisp
+       CLOSE(q)$Lisp
+       CLOSE(s)$Lisp
+The getShow function is invoked when the HTTP request is a POST
+and contains the string "showcall". The )show command generates
+output to lisp's *standard-output* so we wrap that stream to capture it.
+The resulting string needs to be transformed into html-friendly form.
+This is done in the call to replace-entitites (see http.lisp)
+<<package AXSERV AxiomServer>>=
+   getShow(s:SExpression,showarg:String):Void ==
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getShow: ",showarg]
+       realarg:=SUBSEQ(showarg,6)$Lisp
+       show:=_
+        "(progn (setq |$options| '((|operations|))) (|show| '|" realarg "|))"
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["getShow: ",show]
+       SETQ(_*STANDARD_-OUTPUT_*$Lisp,_
+             MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
+       evalresult:=EVAL(READ_-FROM_-STRING(show)$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(evalresult,_
+             GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_*STANDARD_-OUTPUT_*$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
+       mathml:String:=string(REPLACE_-ENTITIES(evalresult)$Lisp)
+       SETQ(tmpalgebra$Lisp, MAKE_-STRING_-OUTPUT_-STREAM()$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(savemathml$Lisp, _$texOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(savealgebra$Lisp, _$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,tmpmathml$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(resultalgebra$Lisp,_
+            GET_-OUTPUT_-STREAM_-STRING(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$texOutputStream$Lisp,savemathml$Lisp)$Lisp
+       SETQ(_$algebraOutputStream$Lisp,savealgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
+       CLOSE(tmpalgebra$Lisp)$Lisp
+       -- Since strings returned from axiom are going to be displayed in html I
+       -- should really check for the characters &,<,> and replace them with
+       -- &amp;,&lt;,&gt;.  
+       -- At present I only check for ampersands in formatMessages.
+       algebra:String := string(resultalgebra$Lisp)
+       algebra := formatMessages(algebra)
+       -- At this point mathml contains the mathml for the output but does not
+       -- include step number or type information.  
+       -- We should also save the command.
+       -- I get the type and step number from the $internalHistoryTable
+       axans:String := _
+        concat ["<div class=_"stepnum_">", lastStep(), "</div>_
+                 <div class=_"command_">", showarg, "</div>_
+                 <div class=_"algebra_">",algebra,"</div>_
+                 <div class=_"mathml_">",mathml,"</div>_
+                 <div class=_"type_">",lastType(),"</div>"]       
+       WriteLine$Lisp concat ["mathml answer: ",mathml]
+       q:=MAKE_-STRING_-INPUT_-STREAM(axans)$Lisp
+       SiCopyStream(q,s)$Lisp
+       CLOSE(q)$Lisp
+       CLOSE(s)$Lisp
+   lastType():String ==
+--  The last history entry is the first item in the $internalHistoryTable 
+--  list so car(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp) selects it.  Here's an example:
+--  (3 (x+y)**3 (% (value (Polynomial (Integer)) 
+--  WRAPPED 1 y (3 0 . 1) (2 1 x (1 0 . 3)) (1 1 x (2 0 . 3))
+--  (0 1 x (3 0 . 1)))))
+--  This corresponds to the input "(x+y)**3" being issued as the third 
+--  command after starting axiom.  
+-- The following line selects the type information.
+       string car(cdr(car(cdr(car(cdr(cdr(car(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)_
+         $Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
    lastStep():String ==
        string car(car(_$internalHistoryTable$Lisp)$Lisp)$Lisp
    formatMessages(str:String):String ==
        -- I need to replace any ampersands with &amp; and may also need to
@@ -193,7 +499,8 @@ AxiomServer: public == private where
        -- need to test for successful match?
        StringMatch(".*\.(.*)$", pathvar)$Lisp
-       u := 
+       u := segment(MatchBeginning(1)$Lisp+1,_
+                    MatchEnd(1)$Lisp)$UniversalSegment(Integer)
        extension:String := pathvar.u
        WriteLine$Lisp concat ["file extension: ",extension]
        -- test for extensions: html, htm, xml, xhtml, js, css
diff --git a/src/interp/http.lisp b/src/interp/http.lisp
index 0b264bf..3c217d0 100644
--- a/src/interp/http.lisp
+++ b/src/interp/http.lisp
@@ -45,4 +45,54 @@
 (defun |SiCopyStream| (q s) (si::copy-stream q s))
+;;; replace-entities is a function that takes a string and 
+;;; returns a new string that has special html entities replaced.
+;;; this function is used in axserver.spad to replace characters that
+;;; occur in standard output with characters that the browser needs.
+;;; the algorithm constructs a new string by computing the additional
+;;; space needed by the replacement characters, adding that to the
+;;; input string length. Thus the new string is just long enough
+;;; to hold the original string stuffed with expanded entity codes.
+;;; at the present time it only looks for and replaces the 
+;;;    <     with &#60;
+;;;  newline with <br/>
+;;; to add a new code you must
+;;;  * add a multiple to the resultlen
+;;;      (so if the replacement character is 5 characters long
+;;;       we need to add 4 additional positions, eg. < becomes &#60;)
+;;;  * add a branch to the cond routine to replace the old character
+;;;    with new ones. 
+;;;      (note that you need to increment j, the result string pointer
+;;;       for all but the last character added since the loop handles that)
+;;; The result is a new string that is html-entity friendly.
+(defun replace-entities (str)
+ (let (resultlen result (strlen (length str)))
+  (setq resultlen 
+   (+ strlen 
+      (* 4 (count #\< str))           ; <       ==> &#60;
+      (* 4 (count #\newline str))))   ; newline ==> <br/>
+  (setq result (make-string resultlen))
+  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (j 0 (+ j 1)))
+      ((= i strlen) result)
+   (cond 
+    ((char= (char str i) #\<)
+     (setf (char result j) #\&) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\#) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\6) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\0) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\;))
+    ((char= (char str i) #\newline)
+     (setf (char result j) #\<) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\b) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\r) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\/) (incf j)
+     (setf (char result j) #\>))
+    (t
+     (setf (char result j) (char str i)))))))

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