bookvol7.1 (hyperdoc pages) has been updated including:

 *  some broken pages fixed
 *  outdated pages (releaseNotes) updated
 *  new images for the first level of the browse tree added
The images are now followed by hyperlinks. This allows you to use the
PDF file in place of the hyperdoc browser for traversing the static
pages. Additionally, all images are indexed to allow any page and
its implementation to be found and displayed easily.

The latest version has been uploaded to the axiom website. Visit:
to see all the books or just
to see the hyperdoc pages book.

If you look at bookvol7.1.pdf, the RootPage root of the browser page
tree can be found by looking at the table of contents for "Axiom
Hyperdoc Top Level" or  The image is followed by
hyperlinks to the next level of pages.


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