There is a new hyperdoc page (LispFunctions) that collects all of the
lisp calls made from within hyperdoc pages. This will be used to 
tree-shake the interpreter code and eliminate unused functions.

In addition, there are new cross-references between pages and some
unused macros were deleted.


diff --git a/books/bookvol7.1.pamphlet b/books/bookvol7.1.pamphlet
index 9a42fbb..9b7426b 100644
--- a/books/bookvol7.1.pamphlet
+++ b/books/bookvol7.1.pamphlet
@@ -1196,10 +1196,8 @@ of operations defined by \spadtype{#1}.}
 \newcommand{\xtc}[2]{#1 #2} 
 % glossary terms
-\newcommand{\axiomGloss}[1]{\lispdownlink{#1}{(|htGloss| '|#1|)}}
-\newcommand{\axiomGlossSee}[2]{\lispdownlink{#1}{(|htGloss| '|#2|)}}
+\newcommand{\spadgloss}[1]{\lispdownlink{#1}{(|htGloss| '|#1|)}}
+\newcommand{\spadglossSee}[2]{\lispdownlink{#1}{(|htGloss| '|#2|)}}
 % use this for syntax punctuation: \axiomSyntax{::}
 \newcommand{\axiomSyntax}[1]{``{\tt #1}''}
@@ -1257,9 +1255,6 @@ of operations defined by \spadtype{#1}.}
 \newcommand{\axiomOpFromX}[2] {\axiomOpFrom{#1!}{#2}}
 \newcommand{\spadopFromX}[2] {\axiomOpFrom{#1!}{#2}}
-% redundant defns for system commands
-\newcommand{\syscom}[1]{\lispdownlink{)#1}{(|syscomPage| '|#1|)}}
 \newcommand{\spadsyscom}[1]{{\tt #1}}
@@ -1267,9 +1262,9 @@ of operations defined by \spadtype{#1}.}
 % Following macros should be phased out in favor of ones above:
+\newcommand{\gloss}[1]{\lispdownlink{#1}{(|htGloss| '|#1|)}}
+\newcommand{\spadglos}[1]{\lispdownlink{#1}{(|htGloss| '|#1|)}}
+\newcommand{\glossSee}[2]{\lispdownlink{#1}{(|htGloss| '|#2|)}}
 \subsection{Browse macros}
@@ -2247,7 +2242,10 @@ For information on related topics, see
 \pagefrom{Root Page}{RootPage}
-\newline{}The other links on the page call lisp code. 
 \index{bcMatrix Function}
@@ -2283,6 +2281,11 @@ For information on related topics, see
 \pagefrom{Basic Commands}{BasicCommand}
+\pageto{Do an Indefinite Integral}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Do a Definite Integral}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Find a Limit}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Do a summation}{LispFunctions}
 \index{bcDifferentiate Function}
@@ -8539,6 +8542,7 @@ used.
 \begin{page}{GlossaryPage}{G l o s s a r y}
 \beginscroll\beginmenu\item\newline{\em \menuitemstyle{}}{\em !}\space{}
@@ -12519,9 +12523,10 @@ For more information on related topics, see
 \pagehead{htxl}{}{The Axiom Link to NAG Software}
+\pageto{Introduction to the NAG Library Link}{nagLinkIntroPage}
+\pageto{Access the Link from HyperDoc}{htxl1}
+\pageto{Browser pages for individual routines}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{NAG Library Documentation}{FoundationLibraryDocPage}
 \begin{page}{htxl}{The Axiom Link to NAG Software}
@@ -12578,7 +12583,10 @@ Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations
 \pagehead{c02}{}{C02 Zeros of Polynomials}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter c02 Manual Page}{manpageXXc02}
 \begin{page}{c02}{C02 Zeros of Polynomials}
@@ -12604,7 +12612,11 @@ Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations
 {C05 Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter c05 Manual Page}{manpageXXc05}
 \begin{page}{c05}{C05 Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations}
@@ -12634,7 +12646,20 @@ function values only
 \pagehead{c06}{}{C06 Summation of Series}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter c06 Manual Page}{manpageXXc06}
 \begin{page}{c06}{C06 Summation of Series}
@@ -12684,7 +12709,20 @@ workspace
 \pagehead{d01}{}{D01 Quadrature}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter d01 Manual Page}{manpageXXd01}
 \begin{page}{d01}{D01 Quadrature}
@@ -12748,6 +12786,16 @@ Monte Carlo method
 \begin{page}{d02}{D02 Ordinary Differential Equations}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter d02 Manual Page}{manpageXXd02}
 \centerline{What would you like to do?}
@@ -12794,7 +12842,11 @@ difference technique with deferred correction, 
continuation facility
 \pagehead{d03}{}{D03 Partial Differential Equations}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter d03 Manual Page}{manpageXXd03}
 \begin{page}{d03}{D03 Partial Differential Equations}
@@ -12823,7 +12875,16 @@ by a multigrid technique
 \pagehead{e01}{}{E01 Interpolation}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter e01 Manual Page}{manpageXXe01}
 \begin{page}{e01}{E01 Interpolation}
@@ -12867,7 +12928,26 @@ two variables
 \pagehead{e02}{}{E02 Curve and Surface Fitting}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter e02 Manual Page}{manpageXXe02}
 \begin{page}{e02}{E02 Curve and Surface Fitting}
@@ -12933,7 +13013,16 @@ knot placement, scattered data
 \pagehead{e04}{}{E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter e04 Manual Page}{manpageXXe04}
 \begin{page}{e04}{E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function}
@@ -12976,8 +13065,19 @@ derivatives
 \pagehead{f01}{}{F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f Manual Page}{manpageXXf}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f01 Manual Page}{manpageXXf01}
 \begin{page}{f01}{F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion}
@@ -13028,8 +13128,24 @@ after factorization by F01RCF
 \pagehead{f02}{}{F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f Manual Page}{manpageXXf}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f02 Manual Page}{manpageXXf02}
 \begin{page}{f02}{F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors}
@@ -13089,8 +13205,20 @@ eigenproblem
 \pagehead{f04}{}{F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f Manual Page}{manpageXXf}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f04 Manual Page}{manpageXXf04}
 \begin{page}{f04}{F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations}
@@ -13150,8 +13278,13 @@ in {\it n} unknowns
 \pagehead{f07}{}{F07 Linear Equations (LAPACK)}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f Manual Page}{manpageXXf}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter f07 Manual Page}{manpageXXf07}
 \begin{page}{f07}{F07 Linear Equations (LAPACK)}
@@ -13183,8 +13316,48 @@ already factorized by F07FDF
-\pagehead{s}{}{S \space{2} Approximations of Special Functions}
+\pagehead{s}{}{S -- Approximations of Special Functions}
+\pageto{Foundation Library Chapter s Manual Page}{manpageXXs}
 \begin{page}{s}{S \space{2} Approximations of Special Functions}
@@ -14496,10 +14669,565 @@ Enter search string :
+\pagehead{LispFunctions}{}{Lisp Functions}
+\pagefrom{Root Page}{RootPage}
+\pagefrom{System Commands}{TopSettingsPage}
+\pagefrom{Axiom Browser}{Man0Page}
+\pagefrom{Axiom Reference}{TopReferencePage}
+\pagefrom{Basic Commands}{BasicCommand}
+\pagefrom{The Axiom Link to NAG Software}{htxl}
+\pagefrom{C02 Zeros of Polynomials}{c02}
+\pagefrom{C02 Roots of One or More TranscendentalEquations}{c05}
+\pagefrom{C06 Summation of Series}{c06}
+\pagefrom{D03 Partial Differential Equations}{d03}
+\pagefrom{E01 Interpolation}{e01}
+\pagefrom{E02 Curve and Surface Fitting}{e02}
+\pagefrom{E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function}{e04}
+\pagefrom{F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion}{f01}
+\pagefrom{F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors}{f02}
+\pagefrom{F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations}{f04}
+\pagefrom{F07 Linear Equations (LAPACK)}{f07}
+\pagefrom{S -- Approximations of Special Functions}{s}
+\pagefrom{Domain Mapping}{DomainMapping}
+\pagefrom{Domain Record}{DomainRecord}
+\pagefrom{Domain Union}{DomainUnion}
+\pagefrom{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}{UXANNAOdeEx}
+\pagefrom{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}{UXANNAIntEx}
+\pagefrom{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}{UXANNAOpt2Ex}
+\pagefrom{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}{UXANNAOptEx}
+\pagefrom{Ordinary Differential Equations}{UXANNAOde}
+\pagefrom{Axiom/NAG Expert System}{UXANNA}
+There are lisp functions which exist behind certain pages and 
+the page information is created dynamically by calling the function.
+%syscomPage & syscom\\
+This is a list of the macros which use lisp functions\\
+oPage & axiomFun\\
+oPageFrom & axiomFunFrom\\
+htGloss & gloss\\
+htGloss & spadglos\\
+htGloss & glossSee \\
+conPage & aliascon\\
+conPage & aliasdom\\
+conPage & dom\\
+conPage & con\\
+conPage & conf\\
+conOpPage & ops\\
+htsn & keyword\\
+htsn & op\\
+%\item interp1 & Interpolation & Axiom/NAG Expert System\\
+%\item bcExpand             & Operations        & Basic Commands\\
+%\item bcProduct            & Compute a product & Calculus\\
+%\item d03fafVars           & Helmholtz         & 
+%Partial Differential Equations\\
+%\item htHistory            & history           & Root Page \\
+%\item htTutorialSearch     & Search            & Axiom Topics\\
+%\item htUserVariables      & User Variables    & Root Page \\
+This is a list of the lisp function, the link name, and the page name\\
+\item {\bf annaOde} -- Ordinary Differential Equations link from page 
+Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf annaOpt} -- Optimization of a Single Multivariate Function link 
from page
+\item {\bf annaOpt2} -- Optimization of a set of observations of a data set 
link from page
+\item {\bf annaPDESolve} -- Second Order Elliptic Partial Differential 
Equation link from page
+Partial Differential Equations
+\item {\bf annaOptDefaultSolve1} -- Example 1 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaOptDefaultSolve2} -- Example 2 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaOptDefaultSolve3} -- Example 3 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaOptDefaultSolve4} -- Example 4 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaOptDefaultSolve5} -- Example 5 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaFoo} -- Example 1 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaBar} -- Example 2 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaJoe} -- Example 3 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaSue} -- Example 4 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaAnn} -- Example 5 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaBab} -- Example 6 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaFnar} -- Example 7 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaDan} -- Example 8 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaBlah} -- Example 9 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaTub} -- Example 10 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaRats} -- Example 11 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaMInt} -- Example 12 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaMInt} -- Multiple Integration link from page
+\item {\bf annaInt} -- Integration link from page Integration
+\item {\bf annaOdeDefaultSolve1} -- Example 1 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaOdeDefaultSolve2} -- Example 2 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf annaOpt2DefaultSolve} -- Example 1 link from page
+Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System
+\item {\bf aSearch} -- Attributes link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf aokSearch} -- General link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf bcDefiniteIntegrate} -- Do an Definite Integral 
+link from page Calculus
+\item {\bf bcDifferentiate} -- Differentiate link from page
+\item {\bf bcDraw} -- Draw link from page
+Basic Commands
+\item {\bf bcIndefiniteIntegrate} -- Do an Indefinite Integral 
+link from page Calculus
+\item {\bf bcLimit} -- Find a Limit link from page
+\item {\bf bcMatrix} -- Matrix link from page
+Basic Commands
+\item {\bf bcSeries} -- Series link from page
+Basic Commands
+\item {\bf bcSolve} -- Solve link from page
+Basic Commands
+\item {\bf bcSum} -- Sum link from page
+\item {\bf cSearch} -- categories link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf dbSpecialDescription} -- Description link from page
+Domain Mapping
+\item {\bf dbSpecialDescription} -- Description link from page
+Domain Record
+\item {\bf dbSpecialDescription} -- Description link from page
+Domain Union
+\item {\bf dbSpecialDescription} -- Description link from page
+Domain Untagged Union
+\item {\bf dbSpecialExports} -- Exports link from page
+Domain Union
+\item {\bf dbSpecialOperations} -- Operations link from page
+Domain Mapping
+\item {\bf dbSpecialOperations} -- Operations link from page
+Domain Record
+\item {\bf dbSpecialOperations} -- Operations link from page
+Domain Union
+\item {\bf dbSpecialOperations} -- Operations link from page
+Domain Untagged Union
+\item {\bf dSearch} -- domains link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf detailSearch} -- domains link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf docSearch} -- Documentation link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf genSearch} -- Complete link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf htGloss} -- Search link from page
+\item {\bf HTSEARCH} -- Reference link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf htsv} -- System Variables link from page
+Axiom Reference
+\item {\bf htSystemVariables} -- Settings link from page
+System Commands
+\item {\bf issueHT} -- Definition link from page
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Constructors link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browser pages for individual routines 
+link from page htxl
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- C02 Zeros of Polynomials link from page
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+c05 Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+c06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+d01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+d02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+d03 Partial Differential Equations
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+e01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+e02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+e04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf kSearch} -- Browse link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf linkToHTPage} -- Interpret link from page
+\item {\bf oSearch} -- Operations link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf pSearch} -- packages link from page
+Axiom Browser
+\item {\bf startHTPage}-- Interpret link from page
+\item {\bf c02aff} -- C02AFF link from page
+C02 Zeros of Polynomials
+\item {\bf c02agf} -- C02AGF link from page
+C02 Zeros of Polynomials
+\item {\bf c05adf} -- C05ADF link from page
+C05 Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations
+\item {\bf c05ndf} -- C05NDF link from page
+C05 Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations
+\item {\bf c05pbf} -- C05PBF link from page
+C05 Roots of One or More Transcendental Equations
+\item {\bf c06eaf} -- C06EAF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06ebf} -- C06EBF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06ecf} -- C06ECF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06ekf} -- C06EKF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06fpf} -- C06FPF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06fqf} -- C06FQF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06frf} -- C06FRF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06fuf} -- C06FUF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06gbf} -- C06GBF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06gcf} -- C06GCF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06gqf} -- C06GQF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf c06gsf} -- C06GSF link from page
+C06 Summation of Series
+\item {\bf d01ajf} -- D01AJF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01akf} -- D01AKF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01alf} -- D01ALF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01amf} -- D01AMF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01anf} -- D01ANF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01apf} -- D01APF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01aqf} -- D01AQF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01asf} -- D01ASF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01bbf} -- D01BBF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01fcf} -- D01FCF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01gaf} -- D01GAF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d01gbf} -- D01GBF link from page
+D01 Quadrature
+\item {\bf d02bbf} -- D02BBF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d02bhf} -- D02BHF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d02cjf} -- D02CJF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d02ejf} -- D02EJF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d02gaf} -- D02GAF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d02gbf} -- D02GBF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d02kef} -- D02KEF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d02raf} -- D02RAF link from page
+D02 Ordinary Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d03edf} -- D03EDF link from page
+D03 Partial Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d03eef} -- D03EEF link from page
+D03 Partial Differential Equations
+\item {\bf d03faf} -- D03FAF link from page
+D03 Partial Differential Equations
+\item {\bf e01baf} -- E01BAF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e01bef} -- E01BEF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e01bff} -- E01BFF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e01bgf} -- E01BGF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e01bhf} -- E01BHF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e01daf} -- E01DAF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e01saf} -- E01SAF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e01sef} -- E01SEF link from page
+E01 Interpolation
+\item {\bf e02adf} -- E02ADF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02aef} -- E02AEF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02agf} -- E02AGF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02ahf} -- E02AHF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02ajf} -- E02AJF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02akf} -- E02AKF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02baf} -- E02BAF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02bbf} -- E02BBF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02bcf} -- E02BCF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02bdf} -- E02BDF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02bef} -- E02BEF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02daf} -- E02DAF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02dcf} -- E02DCF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02ddf} -- E02DDF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02def} -- E02DEF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02dff} -- E02DFF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02gaf} -- E02GAF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e02zaf} -- E02ZAF link from page
+E02 Curve and Surface Fitting
+\item {\bf e04dgf} -- E04DGF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf e04fdf} -- E04FDF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf e04gcf} -- E04GCF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf e04jaf} -- E04JAF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf e04mbf} -- E04MBF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf e04naf} -- E04NAF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf e04ucf} -- E04UCF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf e04ycf} -- E04YCF link from page
+E04 Minimizing or Maximizing a Function
+\item {\bf f01brf} -- F01BRF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01bsf} -- F01BSF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01maf} -- F01MAF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01mcf} -- F01MCF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01qcf} -- F01QCF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01qdf} -- F01QDF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01qef} -- F01QEF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01rcf} -- F01RCF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01rdf} -- F01RDF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f01ref} -- F01REF link from page
+F01 Matrix Operations - Including Inversion
+\item {\bf f02aaf} -- F02AAF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02abf} -- F02ABF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02adf} -- F02ADF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02aef} -- F02AEF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02aff} -- F02AFF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02agf} -- F02AGF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02ajf} -- F02AJF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02akf} -- F02AKF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02awf} -- F02AWF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02axf} -- F02AXF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02bbf} -- F02BBF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02bjf} -- F02BJF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02fjf} -- F02FJF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02wef} -- F02WEF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f02xef} -- F02XEF link from page
+F02 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
+\item {\bf f04adf} -- F04ADF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04arf} -- F04ARF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04asf} -- F04ASF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04atf} -- F04ATF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04axf} -- F04AXF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04faf} -- F04FAF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04jgf} -- F04JGF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04maf} -- F04MAF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04mbf} -- F04MBF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04mcf} -- F04MCF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f04qaf} -- F04QAF link from page
+F04 Simultaneous Linear Equations
+\item {\bf f07adf} -- F07ADF link from page
+F07 Linear Equations (LAPACK)
+\item {\bf f07aef} -- F07AEF link from page
+F07 Linear Equations (LAPACK)
+\item {\bf f07fdf} -- F07FDF link from page
+F07 Linear Equations (LAPACK)
+\item {\bf f07fef} -- F07FEF link from page
+F07 Linear Equations (LAPACK)
+\item {\bf s01eaf} -- S01EAF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s13adf} -- S13ADF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s14baf} -- S14BAF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s15adf} -- S15ADF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s15aef} -- S15AEF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s17ahf} -- S17AHF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s17ajf} -- S17AJF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s18def} -- S18DEF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s19adf} -- S19ADF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s20acf} -- S20ACF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s20adf} -- S20ADF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s21baf} -- S21BAF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
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+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s21bcf} -- S21BCF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
+\item {\bf s21bdf} -- S21BDF link from page
+S -- Approximations of Special Functions
 \pagehead{Man0Page}{}{Axiom Browser}
 \pagefrom{Root Page}{RootPage}
 \begin{page}{Man0Page}{A x i o m \   B r o w s e r}
@@ -14564,6 +15292,8 @@ is not accepted).
 \pagehead{DomainMapping}{}{Domain {\bf Mapping(T,S,...)}}
 \begin{page}{DomainMapping}{Domain {\em Mapping(T,S,...)}}
@@ -17733,6 +18463,8 @@ sqrt(22+2*s5)-sqrt(11+2*s29)+s5 
 \pagehead{DomainRecord}{}{Domain {\bf Record(a:A,...,b:B)}}
 \begin{page}{DomainRecord}{Domain {\em Record(a:A,...,b:B)}}
@@ -19954,6 +20686,9 @@ and \spadtype{Aggregate}, the category of all data 
 \pagehead{DomainUnion}{}{Domain {\bf Union(a:A,...,b:B)}}
 \begin{page}{DomainUnion}{Domain {\em Union(a:A,...,b:B)}}
@@ -19974,7 +20709,7 @@ This constructor is a primitive in Axiom.
 {(|dbSpecialOperations| '|Union|)}
 \tab{15}All exported operations of \spad{Union(a:A,b:B)}
 %\item\menudownlink{Examples}   {UnionExamples}   
-\tab{15}Examples illustrating use
+%\tab{15}Examples illustrating use
 \item\menulispdownlink{Exports}{(|dbSpecialExports| '|Union|)}
 \tab{15}Explicit categories and operations
@@ -20017,6 +20752,8 @@ defined in the Axiom language.
 \pagehead{UntaggedUnion}{}{Domain {\bf Union(A,...,B)}}
 \begin{page}{UntaggedUnion}{Domain {\em Union(A,...,B)}}
@@ -20035,9 +20772,9 @@ defined in the Axiom language.
 {(|dbSpecialOperations| '|UntaggedUnion|)}
 \tab{15}All exported operations of \spad{Union(A,B)}
 %\item\menudownlink{Examples}   {UTUnionExamples}   
-\tab{15}Examples illustrating use
+%\tab{15}Examples illustrating use
 %\item\menudownlink{Exports}    {UTUnionExports}    
-\tab{15}Explicit categories and operations
+%\tab{15}Explicit categories and operations
 In this untagged form of \spad{Union}, domains \spad{A,...,B} 
@@ -53895,6 +54632,7 @@ allowed here.  You should also specify just the top 
level type.
 \subsection{HTXLinkPage4xPatch2 patch}
@@ -116690,6 +117428,8 @@ D02KEF(3NAG)                 D02KEF                  
+\pageto{Multiple Integration}{LispFunctions}
 Welcome to the Integration section of {\tt
 \inputbitmap{\htbmdir{}/anna.xbm.tiny}}, the {\em Axiom/NAG Expert
 System}.  This system chooses, and uses, NAG numerical routines.
@@ -116717,6 +117457,7 @@ on the choice of method.
 \pagehead{UXANNAOde}{}{Ordinary Differential Equations}
+\pageto{Ordinary Differential Equations}{LispFunctions}
 \begin{page}{UXANNAOde}{Ordinary Differential Equations}
 Welcome to the Ordinary Differential Equations section of {\tt
@@ -116745,6 +117486,8 @@ the effect on the choice of method.
+\pageto{Optimization of a set of observations of a data set}
 Welcome to the Optimization section of {\tt
@@ -116787,6 +117530,8 @@ Examples of optimization problems with various 
constraint features.
 \pagehead{UXANNAPde}{}{Partial Differential Equations}
+\pageto{Second Order Elliptic Partial Differential Equation}
 \begin{page}{UXANNAPde}{Partial Differential Equations}
 Welcome to the Partial Differential Equations section of {\tt
@@ -116807,7 +117552,7 @@ and solving the resulting
 seven-diagonal finite difference equations using a multigrid technique.
 %\menulispdownlink{Helmholtz Equation in 3-D, Cartesian Coordinates}
 %\indent{4} Descretizing the PDE:
@@ -116825,6 +117570,11 @@ seven-diagonal finite difference equations using a 
multigrid technique.
 {Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
 \begin{page}{UXANNAOptEx}{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
+\pageto{Example 1}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 2}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 3}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 4}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 5}{LispFunctions}
 Select any of these examples and you will be presented with a page which
 contains active areas for the function and its parameters.
@@ -116879,6 +117629,7 @@ default parameters by the new values.
 {Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
+\pageto{Example 1}{LispFunctions}
 \begin{page}{UXANNAOpt2Ex}{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
@@ -116906,6 +117657,18 @@ minimization of the following functions:
 {Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
+\pageto{Example 1}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 2}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 3}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 4}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 5}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 6}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 7}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 8}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 9}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 10}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 11}{LispFunctions}
+\pageto{Example 12}{LispFunctions}
 \begin{page}{UXANNAIntEx}{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
@@ -116960,6 +117723,8 @@ effect of the new parameters on the choice of method.
 {Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
 \begin{page}{UXANNAOdeEx}{Examples Using the Axiom/NAG Expert System}
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index 9a475ea..7d6a881 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
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@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
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@@ -442,24 +443,24 @@
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-20080530 tpd books/bookvol2.pamphlet
-20080530 tpd books/bookvol3.pamphlet
-20080530 tpd books/bookvol4.pamphlet
-20080530 tpd books/bookvol5.pamphlet
-20080530 tpd books/bookvol6.pamphlet
-20080530 tpd books/bookvol7.pamphlet
-20080530 tpd books/bookvol8.pamphlet
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 20080530 tpd books/ps/
 20080530 tpd books/ps/
 20080530 tpd books/ps/

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