For each of these functions there is an example of use printed with
   )d op functionname

document remove, select, explicitEntries?, explicitlyEmpty?, lazy?,
         frst, rst, numberOfComputedEntries, extend, complete
    from LazyStreamAggregate

document cycleElt, computeCycleLength, computeCycleEntry
    from CyclicStreamTools

document coerce, repeating, repeating? findCycle, cons, output,
         showAllElements, setrest!, generate, filterWhile, filterUntil
    from Stream

document concat
    from StreamFunctions1

document map, scan, reduce
    from StreamFunctions2

document map
    from StreamFunctions3

diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index e7bbee8..776b956 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+20080823 tpd src/algebra/stream.spad stream API examples
 20080823 tpd src/algebra/aggcat.spad UnaryRecursiveAggregate API examples
 20080822 tpd src/input/Makefile add linalg, overload regression tests
 20080822 tpd src/input/linalg.input recovered
diff --git a/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet
index 1d68e08..d69cbfb 100644
--- a/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/stream.spad.pamphlet
@@ -29,21 +29,42 @@ LazyStreamAggregate(S:Type): Category == StreamAggregate(S) 
     ++ remove(f,st) returns a stream consisting of those elements of stream
     ++ st which do not satisfy the predicate f.
     ++ Note: \spad{remove(f,st) = [x for x in st | not f(x)]}.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 1..]
+    ++E f(i:PositiveInteger):Boolean == even? i
+    ++E remove(f,m)
   select: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
     ++ select(f,st) returns a stream consisting of those elements of stream
     ++ st satisfying the predicate f.
     ++ Note: \spad{select(f,st) = [x for x in st | f(x)]}.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E select(x+->prime? x,m)
   explicitEntries?: % -> Boolean
     ++ explicitEntries?(s) returns true if the stream s has
     ++ explicitly computed entries, and false otherwise.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E explicitEntries? m
   explicitlyEmpty?: % -> Boolean
     ++ explicitlyEmpty?(s) returns true if the stream is an
     ++ (explicitly) empty stream.
     ++ Note: this is a null test which will not cause lazy evaluation.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E explicitlyEmpty? m
   lazy?: % -> Boolean
     ++ lazy?(s) returns true if the first node of the stream s
     ++ is a lazy evaluation mechanism which could produce an
     ++ additional entry to s.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E lazy? m
   lazyEvaluate: % -> %
     ++ lazyEvaluate(s) causes one lazy evaluation of stream s.
     ++ Caution: the first node must be a lazy evaluation mechanism
@@ -54,23 +75,47 @@ LazyStreamAggregate(S:Type): Category == StreamAggregate(S) 
     ++ frst(s) returns the first element of stream s.
     ++ Caution: this function should only be called after a \spad{empty?} test
     ++ has been made since there no error check.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E frst m
   rst: % -> %
     ++ rst(s) returns a pointer to the next node of stream s.
     ++ Caution: this function should only be called after a \spad{empty?} test
     ++ has been made since there no error check.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E rst m
   numberOfComputedEntries: % -> NonNegativeInteger
     ++ numberOfComputedEntries(st) returns the number of explicitly
     ++ computed entries of stream st which exist immediately prior to the time
     ++ this function is called.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E numberOfComputedEntries m
   extend: (%,Integer) -> %
     ++ extend(st,n) causes entries to be computed, if necessary,
     ++ so that 'st' will have at least 'n' explicit entries or so
     ++ that all entries of 'st' will be computed if 'st' is finite
     ++ with length <= n.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 0..]
+    ++E numberOfComputedEntries m
+    ++E extend(m,20)
+    ++E numberOfComputedEntries m
   complete: % -> %
     ++ complete(st) causes all entries of 'st' to be computed.
     ++ this function should only be called on streams which are
     ++ known to be finite.
+    ++
+    ++E m:=[i for i in 1..]
+    ++E n:=filterUntil(i+->i>100,m)
+    ++E numberOfComputedEntries n
+    ++E complete n
+    ++E numberOfComputedEntries n
@@ -503,16 +548,32 @@ CyclicStreamTools(S,ST): Exports == Implementation where
   Exports ==> with
     cycleElt: ST -> Union(ST,"failed")
-      ++ cycleElt(s) returns a pointer to a node in the cycle if the stream s 
-      ++ cyclic and returns "failed" if s is not cyclic
+      ++ cycleElt(s) returns a pointer to a node in the cycle if the stream 
+      ++ s is cyclic and returns "failed" if s is not cyclic
+      ++
+      ++E p:=repeating([1,2,3])
+      ++E q:=cons(4,p)
+      ++E cycleElt q
+      ++E r:=[1,2,3]::Stream(Integer)
+      ++E cycleElt r
     computeCycleLength: ST -> NonNegativeInteger
       ++ computeCycleLength(s) returns the length of the cycle of a
       ++ cyclic stream t, where s is a pointer to a node in the
       ++ cyclic part of t.
+      ++
+      ++E p:=repeating([1,2,3])
+      ++E q:=cons(4,p)
+      ++E computeCycleLength(cycleElt(q))
     computeCycleEntry: (ST,ST) -> ST
       ++ computeCycleEntry(x,cycElt), where cycElt is a pointer to a
       ++ node in the cyclic part of the cyclic stream x, returns a
       ++ pointer to the first node in the cycle
+      ++
+      ++E p:=repeating([1,2,3])
+      ++E q:=cons(4,p)
+      ++E computeCycleEntry(q,cycleElt(q))
   Implementation ==> add
@@ -755,28 +816,63 @@ Stream(S): Exports == Implementation where
     coerce: L S -> %
       ++ coerce(l) converts a list l to a stream.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
+      ++E coerce(m)@Stream(Integer)
+      ++E m::Stream(Integer)
     repeating: L S -> %
       ++ repeating(l) is a repeating stream whose period is the list l.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=repeating([-1,0,1,2,3])
     if S has SetCategory then
       repeating?: (L S,%) -> B
         ++ repeating?(l,s) returns true if a stream s is periodic
         ++ with period l, and false otherwise.
+        ++
+        ++E m:=[1,2,3]
+        ++E n:=repeating(m)
+        ++E repeating?(m,n)
     findCycle: (NNI,%) -> Record(cycle?: B, prefix: NNI, period: NNI)
       ++ findCycle(n,st) determines if st is periodic within n.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[1,2,3]
+      ++E n:=repeating(m)
+      ++E findCycle(3,n)
+      ++E findCycle(2,n)
     delay: (() -> %) -> %
-      ++ delay(f) creates a stream with a lazy evaluation defined by function 
+      ++ delay(f) creates a stream with a lazy evaluation defined by 
+      ++ function f.
       ++ Caution: This function can only be called in compiled code.
     cons: (S,%) -> %
       ++ cons(a,s) returns a stream whose \spad{first} is \spad{a}
       ++ and whose \spad{rest} is s.
       ++ Note: \spad{cons(a,s) = concat(a,s)}.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[1,2,3]
+      ++E n:=repeating(m)
+      ++E cons(4,n)
     if S has SetCategory then
       output: (I, %) -> Void
         ++ output(n,st) computes and displays the first n entries
         ++ of st.
+        ++
+        ++E m:=[1,2,3]
+        ++E n:=repeating(m)
+        ++E output(5,n)
       showAllElements: % -> OUT
         ++ showAllElements(s) creates an output form which displays all
         ++ computed elements.
+        ++
+        ++E m:=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
+        ++E n:=m::Stream(PositiveInteger)
+        ++E showAllElements n
       showAll?: () -> B
         ++ showAll?() returns true if all computed entries of streams
         ++ will be displayed.
@@ -784,22 +880,46 @@ Stream(S): Exports == Implementation where
     setrest_!: (%,I,%) -> %
       ++ setrest!(x,n,y) sets rest(x,n) to y. The function will expand
       ++ cycles if necessary.
+      ++
+      ++E p:=[i for i in 1..]
+      ++E q:=[i for i in 9..]
+      ++E setrest!(p,4,q)
+      ++E p
     generate: (() -> S) -> %
       ++ generate(f) creates an infinite stream all of whose elements are
       ++ equal to \spad{f()}.
       ++ Note: \spad{generate(f) = [f(),f(),f(),...]}.
+      ++
+      ++E f():Integer == 1
+      ++E generate(f)
     generate: (S -> S,S) -> %
       ++ generate(f,x) creates an infinite stream whose first element is
       ++ x and whose nth element (\spad{n > 1}) is f applied to the previous
       ++ element. Note: \spad{generate(f,x) = [x,f(x),f(f(x)),...]}.
+      ++
+      ++E f(x:Integer):Integer == x+10
+      ++E generate(f,10)
     filterWhile: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
       ++ filterWhile(p,s) returns \spad{[x0,x1,...,x(n-1)]} where
       ++ \spad{s = [x0,x1,x2,..]} and
       ++ n is the smallest index such that \spad{p(xn) = false}.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[i for i in 1..]
+      ++E f(x:PositiveInteger):Boolean ==  x < 5
+      ++E filterWhile(f,m)
     filterUntil: (S -> Boolean,%) -> %
       ++ filterUntil(p,s) returns \spad{[x0,x1,...,x(n)]} where
       ++ \spad{s = [x0,x1,x2,..]} and
       ++ n is the smallest index such that \spad{p(xn) = true}.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[i for i in 1..]
+      ++E f(x:PositiveInteger):Boolean ==  x < 5
+      ++E filterUntil(f,m)
 --    if S has SetCategory then
 --      map: ((S,S) -> S,%,%,S) -> %
 --       ++ map(f,x,y,a) is equivalent to map(f,x,y)
@@ -1323,8 +1443,13 @@ StreamFunctions1(S:Type): Exports == Implementation where
   Exports ==> with
     concat: ST ST S -> ST S
-      ++ concat(u) returns the left-to-right concatentation of the streams in 
-      ++ Note: \spad{concat(u) = reduce(concat,u)}.
+      ++ concat(u) returns the left-to-right concatentation of the 
+      ++ streams in u. Note: \spad{concat(u) = reduce(concat,u)}.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[i for i in 10..]
+      ++E n:=[j for j in 1.. | prime? j]
+      ++E p:=[m,n]::Stream(Stream(PositiveInteger))
+      ++E concat(p)
   Implementation ==> add
@@ -1350,17 +1475,32 @@ StreamFunctions2(A:Type,B:Type): Exports == 
Implementation where
       ++ map(f,s) returns a stream whose elements are the function f applied
       ++ to the corresponding elements of s.
       ++ Note: \spad{map(f,[x0,x1,x2,...]) = [f(x0),f(x1),f(x2),..]}.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[i for i in 1..]
+      ++E f(i:PositiveInteger):PositiveInteger==i**2
+      ++E map(f,m)
     scan: (B,((A,B) -> B),ST A) -> ST B
       ++ scan(b,h,[x0,x1,x2,...]) returns \spad{[y0,y1,y2,...]}, where
       ++ \spad{y0 = h(x0,b)},
       ++ \spad{y1 = h(x1,y0)},\spad{...}
       ++ \spad{yn = h(xn,y(n-1))}.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[i for i in 1..]::Stream(Integer)
+      ++E f(i:Integer,j:Integer):Integer==i+j
+      ++E scan(1,f,m)
     reduce:  (B,(A,B) -> B,ST A) -> B
       ++ reduce(b,f,u), where u is a finite stream \spad{[x0,x1,...,xn]},
       ++ returns the value \spad{r(n)} computed as follows:
       ++ \spad{r0 = f(x0,b),
       ++ r1 = f(x1,r0),...,
       ++ r(n) = f(xn,r(n-1))}.
+      ++
+      ++E m:=[i for i in 1..300]::Stream(Integer)
+      ++E f(i:Integer,j:Integer):Integer==i+j
+      ++E reduce(1,f,m)
 --  rreduce: (B,(A,B) -> B,ST A) -> B
 --    ++ reduce(b,h,[x0,x1,..,xn]) = h(x1,h(x2(..,h(x(n-1),h(xn,b))..)
 --  reshape: (ST B,ST A) -> ST B
@@ -1411,7 +1551,13 @@ StreamFunctions3(A,B,C): Exports == Implementation where
     map: ((A,B) -> C,ST A,ST B) -> ST C
       ++ map(f,st1,st2) returns the stream whose elements are the
       ++ function f applied to the corresponding elements of st1 and st2.
-      ++ Note: \spad{map(f,[x0,x1,x2,..],[y0,y1,y2,..]) = 
+      ++ \spad{map(f,[x0,x1,x2,..],[y0,y1,y2,..]) = [f(x0,y0),f(x1,y1),..]}.
+      ++
+      ++S
+      ++E m:=[i for i in 1..]::Stream(Integer)
+      ++E n:=[i for i in 1..]::Stream(Integer)
+      ++E f(i:Integer,j:Integer):Integer == i+j
+      ++E map(f,m,n)
   Implementation ==> add

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