On Sunday 12 April 2009 09:50:18 Aleksej Saushev wrote:
> > I applaud your desire to use a computer algebra system.
> > However, the project goals of Axiom clearly don't meet your needs.
> This is simply delusion. I object several points of Axiom, which proved
> to be wrong in practice, and you declare "project goals ... don't meet."
> Was you ever told that you're idealist?

Personally, that's one of the things I admire about Tim and the Axiom project - 

> that you live in ivory tower?
> Honestly, this is the impression of you. I don't talk about your
> professional skills those you start complaining of, I only assert that
> you seem to lack understanding of target audience needs.

I don't presume to speak for Tim or the Axiom project, but I always had the 
impression that the goal was to CREATE the target audience - to reshape the 
approach the world takes to computer algebra and this type of software, using 
Axiom to lead by example.  In my opinion, this is something to be respected.  
There is of course a risk that this type of experiment will not succeed in 
attracting the support required for long term viability, but I personally don't 
see that as a reason to avoid performing the experiment.  In any case, the 
literate nature of the work should help preserve its value for the long term, 
by making it easier for someone else to use the knowledge embodied in Axiom.

If you look into the email archives around the time of the forks, you will see 
that the arguments at the time sound similar to the points you are raising now. 
 The forks were not undertaken lightly.  The goals of OpenAxiom and Fricas (as 
I understand it, the project devs of course can speak to this much better) are 
very much along the more immediately practical lines you are suggesting.  I 
certainly recommend both projects - I have a great deal of respect for the 
teams working on them.  They have been and are making exciting progress.



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