
I can reproduce this bug. It looks like there was an error reported but
the actual error report you see is part of the parser output being re-read.
I don't know why.

This is bug number 7200

What version of Axiom are you using?
What platform are you running on?


Michael Becker wrote:

        in Hyperdoc click on 'Browse' .
        Enter 'draw', click 'Operations' and select 'Descriptions'.

        Now enter any command in main window : eg. 1+1

and you get
  Error  G: syntax error at top level
  Error  G: Improper syntax.
  Error  G: syntax error at top level
  Error  G: Improper syntax.
  Error  H: Improper syntax.
  Error  H: Improper syntax.
  Error  H: syntax error at top level
  Error  H: syntax error at top level
   60 error(s) parsing

   (4)  2
Type: PositiveInteger

Entering 'content' instead of 'draw' produces only 4 errors:

(5) -> 1+1
  Line   1: 1+1
  Error  A: syntax error at top level
  Error  A: Improper syntax.
  Error  B: syntax error at top level
  Error  B: Improper syntax.
   4 error(s) parsing

   (5)  2
                                                        Type: PositiveInteger

But there are more ways to reproduces this from hypedoc. This bug is present in all versions of axiom.

  -- Michael

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