There is a new command

 )describe [category | domain | package ] <name> [ | internal ]

You can ask for the comments from the algebra source code
which are contained in the Description: section at the top
of each Category, Domain, or Package.

You can type

 )help describe for the man page

Details for writing the Description: section for new algebra code
are in Volume 2 (User Guide)

For example,

(1) -> )describe domain AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants

AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants implements finite rank algebras
over a commutative ring, given by the structural constants gamma with
respect to a fixed basis [a1,..,an], where gamma is an n-vector of n
by n matrices [(gammaijk) for k in 1..rank()] defined by ai * aj =
gammaij1 * a1 + ... + gammaijn * an. The symbols for the fixed basis
have to be given as a list of symbols.

You can also ask for a very detailed description of the internal
structure (only for Domains and Packages). For instance:

(1) -> )describe domain AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants internal
5 lazy DirectProduct(local #2,local #1)
6 lazy local #1
7 lazy local #2
8 lazy local #3
9 lazy local #4
10 lazy QUOTE Rep
11 lazy Union($,QUOTE failed)
12 lazy FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra&($$,local #1)
13 latch recip : % -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) from FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra&($$,local #1)
14 fun  ALGSC;recip;$U;1
15 lazy Matrix local #1
16 lazy SquareMatrix(local #2,local #1)
17 latch coerce : % -> Matrix local #1 from SquareMatrix(local #2,local #1)
18 latch apply : (Matrix local #1,%) -> % from %
19 fun  ALGSC;*;Sm2$;2
20 lazy Vector local #1
21 latch directProduct : Vector local #1 -> % from QUOTE Rep
22 fun  ALGSC;coerce;V$;3
23 lazy Vector Matrix local #1
24 fun  ALGSC;structuralConstants;V;4
25 lazy List local #1
26 latch entries : % -> List local #1 from QUOTE Rep
27 latch vector : List local #1 -> % from Vector local #1
28 fun  ALGSC;coordinates;$V;5
29 lazy Integer
30 lazy Vector $$
31 latch maxIndex : % -> Integer from Vector $$
32 latch 0 : () -> % from local #1
33 lazy NonNegativeInteger
34 latch new : (NonNegativeInteger,NonNegativeInteger,local #1) -> % from Matrix local #1
35 latch elt : (%,Integer) -> $$ from Vector $$
36 latch setColumn! : (%,Integer,Vector local #1) -> % from Matrix local #1
37 lazy Union(Vector local #1,QUOTE failed)
38 lazy Record(particular: Union(Vector local #1,QUOTE failed),basis: List Vector local #1) 39 lazy LinearSystemMatrixPackage(local #1,Vector local #1,Vector local #1,Matrix local #1) 40 latch solve : (Matrix local #1,Vector local #1) -> Record(particular: Union(Vector local #1,QUOTE failed),basis: List Vector local #1) from LinearSystemMatrixPackage(local #1,Vector local #1,Vector local #1,Matrix local #1)
41 lazy Boolean
42 latch zero? : % -> Boolean from local #1
43 lazy Vector $
44 fun  ALGSC;basis;V;7
45 lazy (local #1 -> Boolean)
46 latch every? : ((local #1 -> Boolean),%) -> Boolean from Vector local #1
47 fun  ALGSC;coordinates;$VV;6
48 lazy PositiveInteger
49 latch unitVector : PositiveInteger -> % from QUOTE Rep
50 fun  ALGSC;someBasis;V;8
51 fun  ALGSC;rank;Pi;9
52 latch elt : (%,Integer) -> local #1 from QUOTE Rep
53 fun  ALGSC;elt;$IR;10
54 latch zero? : % -> Boolean from QUOTE Rep
55 lazy OutputForm
56 latch coerce : % -> OutputForm from local #1
57 latch 1 : () -> % from local #1
58 latch ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean from local #1
59 lazy Symbol
60 lazy List Symbol
61 latch elt : (%,Integer) -> Symbol from List Symbol
62 latch coerce : % -> OutputForm from Symbol
63 latch ?*? : (%,%) -> % from OutputForm
64 latch ?+? : (%,%) -> % from OutputForm
65 lazy ((OutputForm,OutputForm) -> OutputForm)
66 lazy List OutputForm
67 latch reduce : (((OutputForm,OutputForm) -> OutputForm),%) -> OutputForm from List OutputForm
68 fun  ALGSC;coerce;$Of;11
69 latch new : (NonNegativeInteger,local #1) -> % from Vector local #1
70 latch ?*? : (%,%) -> % from local #1
71 latch elt : (%,Integer) -> Matrix local #1 from Vector Matrix local #1
72 latch elt : (%,Integer,Integer) -> local #1 from Matrix local #1
73 latch ?+? : (%,%) -> % from local #1
74 latch setelt : (%,Integer,local #1) -> local #1 from Vector local #1
75 fun  ALGSC;*;3$;12
76 latch ?-? : (%,%) -> % from local #1
77 lazy Void
78 lazy String
79 latch messagePrint : String -> Void from OutputForm
80 fun  ALGSC;alternative?;B;13
81 fun  ALGSC;associative?;B;14
82 fun  ALGSC;antiAssociative?;B;15
83 fun  ALGSC;commutative?;B;16
84 fun  ALGSC;antiCommutative?;B;17
85 fun  ALGSC;leftAlternative?;B;18
86 fun  ALGSC;rightAlternative?;B;19
87 fun  ALGSC;flexible?;B;20
88 fun  ALGSC;lieAdmissible?;B;21
89 latch ?*? : (PositiveInteger,%) -> % from local #1
90 latch recip : % -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) from local #1
91 fun  ALGSC;jordanAdmissible?;B;22
92 fun  ALGSC;jordanAlgebra?;B;23
93 fun  ALGSC;jacobiIdentity?;B;24
94 lazy SparseUnivariatePolynomial Polynomial local #1
95 lazy Record(particular: $,basis: List $)
96 lazy Union(Record(particular: $,basis: List $),QUOTE failed)
97 lazy SparseUnivariatePolynomial local #1
98 lazy List Vector local #1
99 lazy List Polynomial local #1
100 lazy SingleInteger
----------Complete Ops----------------
?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean missing
zero? : % -> Boolean missing
unit : () -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) missing  if #1 has IntegralDomain
subtractIfCan : (%,%) -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) missing
structuralConstants : () -> Vector Matrix local #1 ALGSC;structuralConstants;V;4
structuralConstants : Vector % -> Vector Matrix local #1 missing
someBasis : () -> Vector % ALGSC;someBasis;V;8
sample : () -> % missing
rightUnits : () -> Union(Record(particular: %,basis: List %),QUOTE failed) missing if #1 has IntegralDomain
rightUnit : () -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) missing  if #1 has IntegralDomain
rightTraceMatrix : () -> Matrix local #1 missing
rightTraceMatrix : Vector % -> Matrix local #1 missing
rightTrace : % -> local #1 missing
rightRegularRepresentation : % -> Matrix local #1 missing
rightRegularRepresentation : (%,Vector %) -> Matrix local #1 missing
rightRecip : % -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) missing  if #1 has IntegralDomain
rightRankPolynomial : () -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Polynomial local #1 missing if #1 has Field
rightPower : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % missing
rightNorm : % -> local #1 missing
rightMinimalPolynomial : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial local #1 missing if #1 has IntegralDomain
rightDiscriminant : () -> local #1 missing
rightDiscriminant : Vector % -> local #1 missing
rightCharacteristicPolynomial : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial local #1 missing
rightAlternative? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;rightAlternative?;B;19
represents : Vector local #1 -> % missing
represents : (Vector local #1,Vector %) -> % missing
recip : % -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) ALGSC;recip;$U;1 if #1 has IntegralDomain
rank : () -> PositiveInteger ALGSC;rank;Pi;9
powerAssociative? : () -> Boolean missing
plenaryPower : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % missing
noncommutativeJordanAlgebra? : () -> Boolean missing
lieAlgebra? : () -> Boolean missing
lieAdmissible? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;lieAdmissible?;B;21
leftUnits : () -> Union(Record(particular: %,basis: List %),QUOTE failed) missing if #1 has IntegralDomain
leftUnit : () -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) missing  if #1 has IntegralDomain
leftTraceMatrix : () -> Matrix local #1 missing
leftTraceMatrix : Vector % -> Matrix local #1 missing
leftTrace : % -> local #1 missing
leftRegularRepresentation : % -> Matrix local #1 missing
leftRegularRepresentation : (%,Vector %) -> Matrix local #1 missing
leftRecip : % -> Union(%,QUOTE failed) missing  if #1 has IntegralDomain
leftRankPolynomial : () -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Polynomial local #1 missing if #1 has Field
leftPower : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % missing
leftNorm : % -> local #1 missing
leftMinimalPolynomial : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial local #1 missing if #1 has IntegralDomain
leftDiscriminant : () -> local #1 missing
leftDiscriminant : Vector % -> local #1 missing
leftCharacteristicPolynomial : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial local #1 missing
leftAlternative? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;leftAlternative?;B;18
latex : % -> String missing
jordanAlgebra? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;jordanAlgebra?;B;23
jordanAdmissible? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;jordanAdmissible?;B;22
jacobiIdentity? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;jacobiIdentity?;B;24
hash : % -> SingleInteger missing
flexible? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;flexible?;B;20
elt : (%,Integer) -> local #1 ALGSC;elt;$IR;10
coordinates : % -> Vector local #1 ALGSC;coordinates;$V;5
coordinates : Vector % -> Matrix local #1 missing
coordinates : (Vector %,Vector %) -> Matrix local #1 missing
coordinates : (%,Vector %) -> Vector local #1 ALGSC;coordinates;$VV;6
convert : % -> Vector local #1 missing
convert : Vector local #1 -> % missing
conditionsForIdempotents : () -> List Polynomial local #1 missing
conditionsForIdempotents : Vector % -> List Polynomial local #1 missing
commutator : (%,%) -> % missing
commutative? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;commutative?;B;16
coerce : Vector local #1 -> % ALGSC;coerce;V$;3
coerce : % -> OutputForm ALGSC;coerce;$Of;11
basis : () -> Vector % ALGSC;basis;V;7
associatorDependence : () -> List Vector local #1 missing if #1 has IntegralDomain
associator : (%,%,%) -> % missing
associative? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;associative?;B;14
apply : (Matrix local #1,%) -> % looked up
antiCommutator : (%,%) -> % missing
antiCommutative? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;antiCommutative?;B;17
antiAssociative? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;antiAssociative?;B;15
alternative? : () -> Boolean ALGSC;alternative?;B;13
0 : () -> % missing
?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean missing
-? : % -> % missing
?-? : (%,%) -> % missing
?+? : (%,%) -> % missing
?**? : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % missing
?*? : (SquareMatrix(local #2,local #1),%) -> % ALGSC;*;Sm2$;2
?*? : (local #1,%) -> % missing
?*? : (%,local #1) -> % missing
?*? : (%,%) -> % ALGSC;*;3$;12
?*? : (Integer,%) -> % missing
?*? : (NonNegativeInteger,%) -> % missing
?*? : (PositiveInteger,%) -> % missing
0 unitsKnown if #1 has IntegralDomain
1 leftUnitary
2 rightUnitary
1 #1 has Field
2 #1 has IntegralDomain
0 FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra local #1 package
1 FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra local #1 package
2 NonAssociativeAlgebra local #1 package
3 Module local #1 package
4 BiModule(local #1,local #1)
5 NonAssociativeRng package
6 LeftModule SquareMatrix(local #2,local #1)
7 RightModule local #1
8 LeftModule local #1
9 AbelianGroup package
10 CancellationAbelianMonoid
11 AbelianMonoid package
12 AbelianSemiGroup package
13 Monad package
14 SetCategory package
15 BasicType package
16 CoercibleTo OutputForm
Operation data from slot 1

#(~= 197 |zero?| 203 |unit| 208 |subtractIfCan| 212 |structuralConstants| 218 |someBasis| 227 |sample| 231 |rightUnits| 235 |rightUnit| 239 |rightTraceMatrix| 243 |rightTrace| 252 |rightRegularRepresentation| 257 |rightRecip| 268 |rightRankPolynomial| 273 |rightPower| 277 |rightNorm| 283 |rightMinimalPolynomial| 288 |rightDiscriminant| 293 |rightCharacteristicPolynomial| 302 |rightAlternative?| 307 |represents| 311 |recip| 322 |rank| 327 |powerAssociative?| 331 |plenaryPower| 335 |noncommutativeJordanAlgebra?| 341 |lieAlgebra?| 345 |lieAdmissible?| 349 |leftUnits| 353 |leftUnit| 357 |leftTraceMatrix| 361 |leftTrace| 370 |leftRegularRepresentation| 375 |leftRecip| 386 |leftRankPolynomial| 391 |leftPower| 395 |leftNorm| 401 |leftMinimalPolynomial| 406 |leftDiscriminant| 411 |leftCharacteristicPolynomial| 420 |leftAlternative?| 425 |latex| 429 |jordanAlgebra?| 434 |jordanAdmissible?| 438 |jacobiIdentity?| 442 |hash| 446 |flexible?| 451 |elt| 455 |coordinates| 461 |convert| 483 |conditionsForIdempotents| 493 |commutator| 502 |commutative?| 508 |coerce| 512 |basis| 522 |associatorDependence| 526 |associator| 530 |associative?| 537 |apply| 541 |antiCommutator| 547 |antiCommutative?| 553 |antiAssociative?| 557 |alternative?| 561 |Zero| 565 = 569 - 575 + 586 ** 592 * 598)
Information vector has 640 entries
    0  |     1    12    11     0    13     1    16    15     0    17
   10  |     2     0     0    15     0    18     1    10     0    20
   20  |    21     1    10    25     0    26     1    20     0    25
   30  |    27     1    30    29     0    31     0     6     0    32
   40  |     3    15     0    33    33     6    34     2    30     2
   50  |     0    29    35     3    15     0     0    29    20    36
   60  |     2    39    38    15    20    40     1     6    41     0
   70  |    42     2    20    41    45     0    46     1    10     0
   80  |    48    49     2    10     6     0    29    52     1    10
   90  |    41     0    54     1     6    55     0    56     0     6
  100  |     0    57     2     6    41     0     0    58     2    60
  110  |    59     0    29    61     1    59    55     0    62     2
  120  |    55     0     0     0    63     2    55     0     0     0
  130  |    64     2    66    55    65     0    67     2    20     0
  140  |    33     6    69     2     6     0     0     0    70     2
  150  |    23    15     0    29    71     3    15     6     0    29
  160  |    29    72     2     6     0     0     0    73     3    20
  170  |     6     0    29     6    74     2     6     0     0     0
  180  |    76     1    55    77    78    79     2     6     0    48
  190  |     0    89     1     6    11     0    90     2     0    41
  200  |     0     0     1     1     0    41     0     1     0     2
  210  |    11     1     2     0    11     0     0     1     0     0
  220  |    23    24     1     0    23    43     1     0     0    43
  230  |    50     0     0     0     1     0     2    96     1     0
  240  |     2    11     1     0     0    15     1     1     0    15
  250  |    43     1     1     0     6     0     1     1     0    15
  260  |     0     1     2     0    15     0    43     1     1     2
  270  |    11     0     1     0     1    94     1     2     0     0
  280  |     0    48     1     1     0     6     0     1     1     2
  290  |    97     0     1     0     0     6     1     1     0     6
  300  |    43     1     1     0    97     0     1     0     0    41
  310  |    86     1     0     0    20     1     2     0     0    20
  320  |    43     1     1     2    11     0    14     0     0    48
  330  |    51     0     0    41     1     2     0     0     0    48
  340  |     1     0     0    41     1     0     0    41     1     0
  350  |     0    41    88     0     2    96     1     0     2    11
  360  |     1     0     0    15     1     1     0    15    43     1
  370  |     1     0     6     0     1     1     0    15     0     1
  380  |     2     0    15     0    43     1     1     2    11     0
  390  |     1     0     1    94     1     2     0     0     0    48
  400  |     1     1     0     6     0     1     1     2    97     0
  410  |     1     0     0     6     1     1     0     6    43     1
  420  |     1     0    97     0     1     0     0    41    85     1
  430  |     0    78     0     1     0     0    41    92     0     0
  440  |    41    91     0     0    41    93     1     0   100     0
  450  |     1     0     0    41    87     2     0     6     0    29
  460  |    53     1     0    20     0    28     1     0    15    43
  470  |     1     2     0    15    43    43     1     2     0    20
  480  |     0    43    47     1     0    20     0     1     1     0
  490  |     0    20     1     0     0    99     1     1     0    99
  500  |    43     1     2     0     0     0     0     1     0     0
  510  |    41    83     1     0     0    20    22     1     0    55
  520  |     0    68     0     0    43    44     0     2    98     1
  530  |     3     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0    41
  540  |    81     2     0     0    15     0    18     2     0     0
  550  |     0     0     1     0     0    41    84     0     0    41
  560  |    82     0     0    41    80     0     0     0     1     2
  570  |     0    41     0     0     1     1     0     0     0     1
  580  |     2     0     0     0     0     1     2     0     0     0
  590  |     0     1     2     0     0     0    48     1     2     0
  600  |     0    16     0    19     2     0     0     6     0     1
  610  |     2     0     0     0     6     1     2     0     0     0
  620  |     0    75     2     0     0    29     0     1     2     0
  630  |     0    33     0     1     2     0     0    48     0     1
infovec total = 4434 BYTES
template    = 2064
operations  = 556 (complete)
attributes  = 6
categories  = 528
data vector = 1280
number of function slots (one extra node) = 24
number of latch slots (2 extra nodes) = 35
number of lazy slots (no extra nodes) = 37
size of domain vectors = 101 slots
domain size = 5562 BYTES
cost per instantiation = 1536 BYTES
(1) ->

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