July 2011 Release

The prior release had a bug that caused it to remember the build location.
This was a change introduced by the underlying lisp. This was fixed.

This release continues treeshaking the compiler. 
The modemap.lisp file has been merged and no longer exists.

This release continues to treeshake the interpreter. 
The axext_l.lisp file has been removed.

  add BUILD=full / BUILD=fast switch

Book Volume 5 (Interpreter)
  treeshake interpreter

Book Volume 9 (Compiler)
  treeshake compiler

Book Volume 10.3 (Domains)
  help and unit tests for RewriteRule

  add /refsdollar and /defsdollar for better cross references

  add (si::reset-sys-paths) per Camm
  remove axext_l aldor support file
  remove modemap.lisp

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