I would gladly pay for such a thing to materialize on my screen; if it only 
took money to get that, I'm sure we'd all be willing to finance such an 
effort however we can.

On Thursday, October 27, 2011 1:58:52 PM UTC-4, TimDaly wrote:
> So imagine a world where the eloquence of Rich Hickey was expressed in
> book form. Imagine the whole immutability lecture written down and 
> decorated with the actual running code as illustration. Imagine that
> the original authors clearly explained software transactional memory
> and illustrated it with the actual code. Imagine a discussion of
> argument destructuring with running code illustrations.
> How many more people would be able to dive into the details of Clojure
> to maintain and modify the code? How many people would find it much
> easier to understand prototypes, defrecords, macros, and all of the
> other struggles that populate the current email forums? How are
> infinite sequences supported and what code supports it? What does
> NIL mean and why was it defined that way?
> We do not capture the ideas. We do not rewrite the explanations to
> clarify the fine points of confusion. We do not illustrate how the
> ideas of Red-Black tries are moved "from ideas to implementation".
> We do not communicate the ideas to each other. We code for the machine.
> ... 

> Now imagine that the "book" is multimedia where you can include
> animation (watch the tree balance), video, and a running REPL.
> Think Khan Academy for Clojure.
> This community is willing to overthrow the traditional ideas of lisp
> in order to make progress on a new path. Yet we continue to structure
> the development as though we worked on a PDP 11/40 with 4k file size
> limits. We continue to let the most valuable information which is the
> meat of Clojure disappear while we keep only the code, the bones of
> Clojure.
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