---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 22:57:30 -0400
Subject: Re: [software-design-book] A Philosophy of Software Design
To: Brooks Moses <brooks.mo...@dpdx.net>
Cc: John Ousterhout <ous...@cs.stanford.edu>, software-design-book



"The first of these is fundamentally obsolete as a separate tool"...

I wrote code before directories were invented. Code had to be
broken in less than 4k bytes as the operating system and editor
lived in the other 4k. So code had to be written in what I call
Piles-of-Sand (POS). Directories came along and people built
tools (make) to handle POS code. Clever naming of directories
carry all the "semantics" (e.g. src, doc, lib, test, build, etc)

You now have 16 gig of memory but you program in POS.
You have "layered" an IDE on the POS but still write in sand.

Can you navigate a code base if your IDE doesn't work?
Axiom is 1.2 million lines of code, considered "small" these days.

IDEs, like all code, tend to die. I used to work in Visual Basic
with an IDE from Microsoft. The IDE is dead (as is the VB code).

I used an old IDE from Microsoft that used to generate all of the
"glue code" to the visual front end (don't remember its name).
All I had to do was fill in various code blocks. The IDE died,
as has the code I wrote in it.


Why is this a problem? Well, the REAL problem doesn't show
up until the code is older. Ten years from now your IDE won't
run on anything. So your "sematic directory names" (the
"chapters / sections" organization), and your navigation is
gone (your "index"). The flow of your comments is scattered
(the "paragraph organization"). Your "automatic comment
extractor / formatter" is gone.

Your spiffy new IDE has NO idea how to format
"Forth / Smalltalk / Pascal / Swift / Visual Basic /
SNOBOL / WATFIV / PL/I / MASM / or ... Rust.

So you're busy writing "dead" code.

Almost everything I've written over the last 50 years in
over 60 languages no longer runs. But all of my Common
Lisp code still runs. As does my Lisp/VM code and
MACLISP code due to macros.

To understand the long term view of your code find a calculus,
physics, or chemistry text. Cut it up so all you keep are the
equations on little index cards. Throw the rest away. THAT
is your code in 10 years. Can you learn calculus from a box
of randomly arranged index cards containing equations?

Sure, the equations are "right" and "type correct" but the
shiny-new programming language you're using (Rust?) has
no standard. Even if it did (e.g. C++) you'll find that there
are a dozen "standards" (C99, C11, C14, C17, etc), some
of which are no longer supported (e.g. C99, C11) because
the libraries have died.

The 10-year result is that your code is dead the day YOU
stop typing. Look at github / sourceforge / savannah. There
are thousand of programs that died the day the lead
developer stopped.


LIterate programming is trivial to use. I have use my editor
(emacs) to write latex with embedded code.

I type 'make' every 10 lines of changes (code or text) to:
(1) extracts the code
(2) compile it
(3) test it
(4) recreated the book with chapters/sections/paragraphs/
     index/tables/graphics all hyperlinked.
(5) displays it as a PDF (usually just updates the already
     displayed PDF with new changes)

The day *I* stop coding you have a book that explains the
whole state of my code (the calculus equations) as well as
the whole state of my organization (the chapters/etc) and
the whole state of my thinking.

I work in tools (Latex, Emacs, Common Lisp) that have
survived for decades with the same functionality. They will
likely survive in the future unchanged. My "literate
programming" tool chain is trivial (a 172 line C program) to
extract code and 'make' to build it.

Literate programs are only useful if you want your code
to live.

I HIGHLY recommend:

Lisp in Small Pieces, a complete lisp compiler / interpreter /
debugger in literate form.


Physically Based Rendering, a graphics rendering engine
in literate form



On 7/15/19, Brooks Moses <brooks.mo...@dpdx.net> wrote:
> Tim,
> In my opinion, one of the interesting things about both literate
> programming and proving correctness is that explicitly doing them is less
> useful today than it was when they were invented, because a lot of the
> useful parts have been incorporated into programming languages and "normal"
> toolchains.  So here's a counterpoint argument to your points:
> I've been a fan of literate programming since I discovered it, to the point
> where I wrote my own tool to process the Fortran 95 code from my thesis
> work (Mech. Eng., not C.S.) as literate programs.  However, now that I've
> been programming professionally for a decade, I don't really miss it.
> From what I remember, there were three significant pieces to the "literate
> programming" toolchain as Knuth invented it.  The piece that I consider the
> major innovation was that Knuth's literate-programming tool allowed one to
> organize the code in an order that made sense to humans, rather than what
> the programming language he was using (Pascal, IIRC) required.  Second, the
> tool allowed one to produce cross-references somewhat automatically.
> Third, the text around the program was written in LaTeX rather than plain
> text, allowing formatting and mathematics.
> The first of these is fundamentally obsolete as a separate tool.  Modern
> programming languages and programming style do not require code to be
> written in the same computer-centric linear fashion as the Pascal of
> Knuth's day required.  We write code in tree structures (directories and
> files), which are much easier to navigate than a single linear document.
> The files are roughly the same size as the sections that Knuth wrote for
> his literate programs, and within them there's a lot more freedom to
> organize things in ways that are meaningful to the human readers.  So,
> basically, this functionality is just an inherent part of the language and
> compiler.
> The second of these is also obsolete in its literate-programming form.
> Knuth's cross-references were designed for what was fundamentally a
> paper-centric style of reading code; they point to numbered sections in a
> linear document, with the expectation that one will turn pages to get to
> the relevant section.  Today, we have IDEs where we can click on a symbol
> and it will automatically pull up a list of places this symbol is
> referenced, and with a click it will open the relevant file at the location
> of the relevant reference -- and this happens without any need for
> annotations on the part of the programmer.
> The third of these is the one piece that I think is sometimes still
> useful.  The ability to write equations in the comments was pretty critical
> for the computational-fluid-dynamics code in my dissertation.  On the other
> hand, outside of deeply mathematical regimes, the ability to embed
> equations is not a "killer feature".  And the fact that the text around the
> program requires a "formatting" step is a problem -- it means that the tool
> in which I read the program is not the tool in which I edit the program,
> and so I have to have both forms open on my screen and mentally map between
> them in order to get any value from the formatted text in understanding the
> context around my edits.  The existence of two forms of the document also
> makes it hard (at least for me) to have mental landmarks of "where things
> are in the file", so I'm having to think about finding things at least
> twice as often.  I always found that to be a serious enough drawback that I
> pretty much only used the formatted form of the document for rare
> only-reading cases.
> Beyond the tooling, Knuth's literate programming was also of course a
> radically different way of actually writing programs.  It involved writing
> large high-level comments explaining the purpose and implementation of the
> section of code first, before writing the low-level implementation -- that
> is, addressing why the code does what it does in an essay-like way.  For
> the "why" part, this is pretty much what the modern programming-style
> guidelines I'm familiar with say that comments should be.  We have large
> comment blocks at the top of files explaining the purpose of the code in
> the file, and similar comment blocks at the top of classes and functions.
> The header files for the heavily-used APIs I work with tend to be written
> similarly, with functions grouped in human-significant ways with generally
> more comment than code explaining the intended use.
> For the "what" part, this again is something strongly influenced by the
> programming languages Knuth was working with.  Pascal of the day was fairly
> low-level, and it could be difficult to "see the forests for the trees".
> The computer science community has basically considered this to be a bug in
> the programming languages, and so there is far less need for this sort of
> comment.  The machine code is now human-readable at a reasonably high
> level, so disadvantages of having duplicate definitions of things (once in
> the code, once in the comments) now much more commonly outweigh the
> advantages of having "what this code does" comments.
> So, IMO, a large part of the innovations of literate programming have been
> incorporated into standard programming languages and tools, and much of the
> rest is reasonably well-accepted as the "right way" to write comments, and
> so "literate programming" as a distinct thing is no longer especially
> relevant.
> I'd make much the same argument for proving correctness, although it's a
> much weaker argument.  In my experience, proving correctness has always had
> the issue that we have to first define the correct behavior -- and that
> definition can also be buggy.  There are some aspects of correct behavior
> that are easy because they reasonably universal: Programs should not do
> out-of-bounds accesses to arrays, they should not leak memory, they should
> not have threading deadlocks, call sites and function definitions should
> agree on what arguments are being passed, and so on.  However, many bugs in
> practice are cases where something occurred that we didn't expect to happen
> when we wrote the specification, and so a proof of correctness would fail
> to find the bug.  So I find it hard to talk usefully about "proving
> correctness" without some information about what sort of correctness we're
> talking about.
> For the reasonably-universal things, there have been a lot of advances on
> this in programming-language design.  A strong type system is,
> fundamentally, a compiler-provided proof of certain kinds of correctness.
> Languages such as Rust take this much farther; if the compiler cannot prove
> the correctness of the program in a number of ways, it is considered an
> invalid program and you get a compile error.  (And, because of this, we
> have a fair bit of data about the inherent costs of this -- enough to
> support many debates and arguments about the tradeoffs!  But it's
> absolutely clear that there are some tradeoffs.)  I think what's happening
> is that the idea of a "specification that can be proven" is slowly being
> subsumed into the programming language itself, rather than being something
> separate -- see, for instance, type annotations in Python, and
> static_assert in C++, although those are both fairly small steps.
> I'm sure there still remain some cases where manual proofs of correctness
> are worthwhile, and some cases where one wouldn't want to consider a
> machine-checkable specification to be part of the program, but I think
> they're both becoming fairly rare.
> In general, I don't disagree with the idea that literate programming and
> explicitly proving programming correctness are valuable.  But I think
> what's fundamentally valuable there is the underlying ideas, and teaching
> these using the same methods as one would have used thirty-odd years ago is
> much like going from the idea that structured programming is valuable to
> teaching RATFOR.
> - Brooks
> On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 10:52 AM John Ousterhout <ous...@cs.stanford.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Thanks for the comments. Here are a few overall followups.
>> * You expressed a concern that deep classes might be harder to maintain
>> and modify. If this were the case, then deep classes would be a bad idea.
>> However, my experience is that deep classes make it *easier* to maintain
>> and modify software. Deep classes don't have to be more complicated than
>> shallow ones, and well-designed deep code is mostly non-task-specific
>> (see
>> Chapter 6 of APOSD).
>> * You argued for proving correctness. I'm not opposed to this, but as of
>> today I believe it is too difficult and time-intensive to be practical in
>> most environments. In other words, if you're looking for the lowest-cost
>> way to achieve a given level of functionality, reliability, etc., you can
>> probably get there more cheaply using the more intuitive design
>> approaches
>> I advocate than using formal verification. It feels like verification is
>> making gradual progress, so perhaps this situation will change in the
>> future. Also, for systems that require extremely high levels of
>> reliability, it may be that formal verification is the only way to get
>> there today.
>> * You suggested analyzing existing open source projects rather than
>> writing new code. There is certainly value in analyzing existing code,
>> but
>> in terms of students learning how to design, it's crucial that they write
>> code themselves and get feedback on it. I would draw an analogy with
>> writing. Reading great books can be helpful in learning to write, but it
>> is
>> nowhere near sufficient: you have to write stuff yourself, make mistakes,
>> get feedback, and fix the mistakes.
>> -John-
>> On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 5:29 AM Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm watching your Google talk on youtube.
>>> I've been programming for 50 years. I've done free software development
>>> since 1996. I've written a LOT of code in over 60 languages. I have
>>> co-authored
>>> 4 commercial products. So I feel like I need to comment.
>>> BORN or LEARN?
>>> First, you ask if programming is something you are born with or
>>> something
>>> you can learn. I think I could teach anyone who can follow a cooking
>>> recipe
>>> to program. Learning to program is easy.
>>> But programming is hard. It requires an inborn talent which is the
>>> ability to
>>> cope with very high levels of frustration and ambiguity. I have spent a
>>> whole
>>> week chasing a bug only to find that it is a compiler bug (4 times so
>>> far).
>>> If you can't handle the ground-pounding frustration of failing software
>>> which
>>> leads you to scream "WHY DOESN"T THIS WORK" and still continue then
>>> you will never be a programmer.
>>> I whole-heartedly agree with the value of code reviews for learning.
>>> I tend to both agree and disagree with your deep class idea. I agree
>>> that it is a useful idea for design. But I think it is a bad idea for
>>> coding.
>>> Deep classes have a lot of complexity and are extremely specific to
>>> the problem to be solved. Unfortunately, most of the lifetime of code
>>> is post-development. Maintaining deep-class code is nearly impossible
>>> because it is so task specific.
>>> I prefer deeply layered code. See, for example, Sarker [0] where the
>>> development is incremental and deeply layered. But the intellectual
>>> steps are small and easily adapted. I find this form of development
>>> easier to do, easier to teach, and easier to maintain. The most
>>> productive programmers I know write small but working pieces of
>>> code that makes incremental steps of improvement. Note that this
>>> is NOT a tactical approach with ad hoc decisions, but small steps
>>> toward the ultimate goals.
>>> I took a course (at UCONN) where the prof gave us the spec of a
>>> multitasking operating system. He gave us 10 weeks (in teams) to
>>> develop it. It had to run on bare hardware (these days, an Arduino).
>>> We had to process 100 "batch programs" to be run in minumum
>>> time, assuming they block for I/O, etc. We developed a minimal
>>> Read-Schedule-Process-Print loop and then enhanced it bit by bit.
>>> You might consider that as an example project.
>>> So while I agree that a Deep Class DESIGN is seems like a good
>>> short term idea, I think it costs much more in the long term due to
>>> the high maintain / modify costs.
>>> Designers need to consider the full software lifecycle, not just the
>>> initial implementation. You would not like an automobile that was
>>> glued together and could not be fixed.
>>> In my later years I have watched the growth of proving
>>> programs correct. I think designers need to write specifications
>>> that can be proven. There is a HUGE growth in this field. See
>>> Guy Steele [3] invited talk.
>>> Designers need to be deeply educated in program proof and
>>> typing. At UCONN I took a course that just gave us a pile of
>>> research papers. We each were assigned 3 papers from the
>>> pile. Each paper had to be presented to the class in a 20
>>> minute talk. You were graded on your 3 presentations. We
>>> not only learned the theory, we learned to read (and write)
>>> research literature.
>>> There is an alternative to wasting class time developing new
>>> code to review.
>>> You could structure a class for designers that took an
>>> open source codebase from github for analysis. The whole
>>> codebase would be reviewed throughout the semester and
>>> each person who led the section could post fixes from the
>>> code reviews to the open source site. Not only would they
>>> see real design issues, they would learn to participate in
>>> open source (and, incidently, how to maintain with source
>>> code control).
>>> On another track, I think you should teach literate programming.
>>> All it takes is a simple latex macro and a trivial C[1] or Lisp[2]
>>> program to extract code from a latex document. Future designers
>>> out to follow the wisdom of Knuth and learn to write for humans
>>> and, incidently, for computers.
>>> Tim Daly
>>> http://daly.axiom-developer.org
>>> Carnegie Mellon University
>>> [0] Sarker, Dipanwita and Waddell, Oscar and Dybvig, R. Kent
>>> "A Nonpass Infrastructure for Compiler Education" (2004)
>>> 9th ACM SIGPLAN, pp 201-212
>>> [1] http://daly.axiom-developer.org/tanglec.c
>>> [2] http://daly.axiom-developer.org/tangle.lisp
>>> [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCuZkaaou0Q
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