Elixir LiveView offers a nice way to interact with the browser. I’ve been
playing rendering OpenAI Atari frames from their Python objects (using
erlport), so it seems like a plausible option for interacting with axiom
too. Note that sagemath.org already interacts with axiom, so maybe
connecting through it serves like a bridge.

On Thu 24 Sep 2020 at 0:06 Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The new Axiom version needs to have a better user interface.
> I'm experimenting with a browser front end that has an Axiom
> editor that runs Axiom in the background. This isn't really
> a new idea. Maxima has been doing it for years.
> Using the browser has the advantage of integrating the
> compiler, interpreter, graphics, and documentation in one
> interface.
> I managed to get the editor-in-browser working.
> Axiom already has a browser connection (book volume 11)
> designed to replace hyperdoc and working as an
> interpreter I/O so this editor would be an extension.
> Since almost all of Axiom is already in hyperlinked PDF
> files it will be possible to jump directly to related sections
> in the various books.
> Tim
> On 9/23/20, Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Rich Hickey gave a keynote:
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyLBGkS5ICk
> > which, like all of Hickey's talks, is worth watching.
> >
> > He talks about programs breaking due to things like
> > library changes. Around minute 30 he started to talk
> > about why "semantic versioning" (e.g. version 1.2.3)
> > is meaningless.
> >
> > I realized this years ago and changed Axiom to use
> > the date of the release. It provides the same sort of
> > "non-information" but it is easy to find in the changelog.
> >
> > Tim
> >
> >
> > On 9/5/20, Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Geometric algebra also affects another "in-process" goal.
> >>
> >> I have BLAS and LAPACK in the Axiom sources (volume 10.5).
> >>
> >> I've spent some time on the question of changing BLAS to use
> >> John Gustafson's UNUM representation, which eliminates a lot
> >> of code because various "standard errors" cannot occur. See
> >> his book "The End Of Error"
> >>
> https://www.amazon.com/End-Error-Computing-Chapman-Computational/dp/1482239868
> >>
> >> But since Geometric algebra is coordinate free, many of the
> >> computations can be done symbolically and then evalulated
> >> in final form.
> >>
> >> BLAS re-caste in Geometric Algebra means that some of the
> >> errors, such as roundoff, cannot occur in the symbolic form.
> >>
> >> This has the potential to make Axiom's BLAS and LAPACK
> >> computations faster and more accurate.
> >>
> >> Tim
> >>
> >>
> >> On 9/5/20, Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> I'm in the process of re-architecting Axiom, of course.
> >>>
> >>> The primary research effort, as you know, is incorporating
> >>> proof technology.
> >>>
> >>> But in the process of re-architecting there are more things
> >>> to consider. Two of them are "front and center" at the moment.
> >>>
> >>> One concern is "Geometric Algebra". See
> >>> http://geometricalgebra.net/
> >>>
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fF2xToQmgs&list=PLsSPBzvBkYjzcQ4eCVAntETNNVD2d5S79
> >>>
> >>> Geometric algebra unifies a lot of mathematics. In particular,
> >>> it "cleans up" linear algebra, creating a "coordinate-free"
> >>> representation. This greatly simplifies and unifies a lot of
> >>> mathematics.
> >>>
> >>> So the question becomes, can this be used to "re-represent"
> >>> Axiom mathematics dependent on linear algebra? I don't
> >>> know but the idea has a lot of potential for simplification.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The second concern is "Category Theory". This theory
> >>> provides a simplification and a generalization of various
> >>> ideas in Axiom. It also puts constraints on things like an
> >>> Axiom "category" to Axiom "category" functors so that the
> >>> conversion preserves the mathematical "Category"
> >>> structure and properties.
> >>>
> >>> MIT has a "course" on "Programming with Categories"
> >>>
> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhgq-BqyZ7i7MTGhUROZy3BOICnVixETS
> >>> which makes things rather more understandable.
> >>>
> >>> So one question is how to re-represent Axiom's type
> >>> structure so that it has a correct mathematical "Category"
> >>> structure. This, of course, raises the question of Group
> >>> Theory with Type Theory with Proof Theory with Category
> >>> Theory.
> >>>
> >>> Getting all of this "aligned" (and hopefully reasonably
> >>> correct) will give Axiom a solid mathematical foundation.
> >>>
> >>> Mathematics has changed a lot since Axiom was created
> >>> and many of those changes have shown that we need a
> >>> much stronger basis for ad-hoc things like coercion, etc.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Tim
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 8/21/20, Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> A briliant essay:
> >>>>
> >>>> In exactly the same way a small change in axioms
> >>>> (of which we cannot be completely sure) is capable,
> >>>> generally speaking, of leading to completely different
> >>>> conclusions than those that are obtained from theorems
> >>>> which have been deduced from the accepted axioms.
> >>>> The longer and fancier is the chain of deductions
> >>>> ("proofs"), the less reliable is the final result.
> >>>>
> >>>> https://www.uni-muenster.de/Physik.TP/~munsteg/arnold.html
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 8/8/20, Tim Daly <axiom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>> Mark,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> You're right, of course. The problem is too large.
> >>>>> So what. is the plan to achieve a research result?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> There are 3 major restrictions on the effort (so far).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> First, the focus is on the GCD in NonNegativeInteger.
> >>>>> Volume 13 is basically a collection of published thoughts
> >>>>> by various authors on the GCD, a background literature
> >>>>> search. Build a limited system with essentially one user
> >>>>> visible function (the NNI GCD) and implement all of the
> >>>>> ideas there. This demonstrates inheritance of axioms,
> >>>>> specification of functions, pre- and post-conditions,
> >>>>> proof integration, provisos, the new compiler, etc.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Second, make the SANE GCD work in the current Axiom
> >>>>> system by generating compatible code. This gives a
> >>>>> stepping-stone approach where things can be grounded.
> >>>>> Obviously none of the new proof ideas will be expected
> >>>>> to work in the current system but it "gives a place to stand".
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Third, develop a lattice of functions. The idea is to attack the
> >>>>> functions that  depend on almost nothing, prove them correct,
> >>>>> and use them to prove functions that only depend on the
> >>>>> prior layer. I did this with the category structure when I first
> >>>>> got the system since it was necessary to bootstrap Axiom
> >>>>> without a running system (something that was not possible
> >>>>> with the IBM/NAG version). That effort took several months
> >>>>> so I expect that function-lattice to take about the same time.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This makes the research "incremental" so that a result can
> >>>>> be achieved in one lifetime. Like a PhD thesis, it is initially
> >>>>> intended as a small step forward but still be a valid instance
> >>>>> of "computational mathematics", deeply combining proof and
> >>>>> computer algebra.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Tim
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> --
Ricardo Corral C.

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