Thanks for this! It seems to speak to the success of the OpenAI Codex more
than anything else, but the results are impressive.

Bartosz Piotrowski, a PhD student and author of one of the papers you
cited, will be visiting Carnegie Mellon for a few months this spring.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 10:30 AM Tim Daly <> wrote:

> This is an interesting paper (especially given that it
> is work under Gilbert Strang):
> A Neural Network Solves and Generates Mathematics
> Problems by Progam Synthesis: Calculus, Differential
> Equations, Linear Algebra, and More.
> "This work shows that a neural network that generates
> programs (i.e. program synthesis) is the key to solving
> math and STEM courses at scale, as it turns question
> answering into a programming task."
> This seems interesting from several aspects:
> 1) Can this be applied to logic systems? Can it help
> generate "proven code" from a proof system? (LEAN)
> 2) Can it be applied in programs like NuPRL / RedPRL?
> (Innovations in Computational Type Theory using Nuprl
> Journal of Applied Logic 4 (2006) pp 428--469
> 3) Can the type of an object be inferred by casting it as a
> question in mathematics? Is the generated program correctly
> typed?
> 4) Can this be layered on MetaMath (LEAN) or FDL (Nuprl)
> to generate logically equivalent code?
> 5) Can this be applied to gradual typing?
> In any case, this represents an interesting "interdisciplinary"
> effort connecting the math department and CS.
> Tim
> There are various connections to Neural Networks and Math:
> @misc{Crou19,
>   author = "Crouse, Maxwell and Whitehead, Spencer and
>             Abdelaziz, Ibrahim and Makni, Bassem and
>             Cornelio, Cristina and Kapanipathi, Pavan and
>             Pell, Edwin and Srinivas, Kavitha and
>             Thost, Veronika and Witbrock, Michael and
>             Fokoue, Achille",
>   title = {{A Deep Reinforcement Learning Base Approach to Learning
>            Transferable Proof Guidance Strategies}},
>   year = "2019",
>   linke = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "Traditional first-order logic (FOL) reasoning systems usually
>     rely on manual heuristics for proof guidance. We propose TRAIL: a
>     system that learns to perform proof guidance using reinforcement
>     learning. A key design principle of our system is that it is
>     general enough to allow transfer to problems in different domains
>     that do not share the same vocabulary of the training set. To do
>     so, we developed a novel representation of the internal state of a
>     prover in terms of clauses and inference actions, and a novel
>     neural-based attention mechanism to learn interactions between
>     clauses. We demonstrate that this approach enables the system to
>     generalize from training to test data across domains with
>     different vocabularies, suggesting that the nerual architecture in
>     TRAIL is well suited for representing and processing of logical
>     formalisms.",
>   paper = "Crou19.pdf"
> }
> @misc{Crou19a,
>   author = "Crouse, Maxwell and Abdelaziz, Ibrahim and
>             Cornelio, Cristina and Thost, Veronika and
>             Wu, Lingfei and Forbus, Kenneth and Fokoue, Achille",
>   title = {{Improving Graph Neural Network Representations of Logical
>             Formulae with Subgraph Pooling}},
>   year = "2019",
>   linke = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "Recent advances in the integration of deep learning with
>     automated theorem proving have centered around the representation
>     of graph-structured representations, in large part driven by the
>     rapidly emerging body of research in geometric deep
>     learning. Typically, structure-aware neural methods for embedding
>     logical formulae have been variants of either Tree LSTMs or
>     GNNs. While more effective than character and token-level
>     approaches, such methods have often made representational
>     trade-offs that limited their ability to effectively represent the
>     global structure of their inputs. In this work, we introduce a
>     novel approach for embedding logical formulae using DAG LSTMs that
>     is designed to overome the limitations of both Tree LSTMs and
>     GNNs. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated
>     on the tasks of premise selection and proof step classification
>     where it achieves the state-of-the-art performance on two standard
>     datasets.",
>   paper = "Crou19a.pdf"
> }
> @misc{Gaut19,
>   author = "Gauthier, Thibault",
>   title = {{Deep Reinforcement Learning in HOL4}},
>   year = "2019",
>   link = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "The paper describes an implementation of deep reinforcement
>     learning through self-supervised learning within the proof
>     assistant HOL4. A close interaction between the machine learning
>     modules and the HOL4 library is achieved by the choice of tree
>     neural networks (TNNs) as machine learning models and the internal
>     use of HOL4 terms to represent tree structures of TNNs. Recursive
>     improvement is possible when a given task is expressed as a search
>     problem. In this case, a Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm
>     guided by a TNN can be used to explore the search space and
>     produce better examples for training the next TNN. As an
>     illustration, tasks over propositional and arithmetical terms,
>     representative of fundamental theorem proving techniques, are
>     specified and learned: truth estimation, end-to-end computation,
>     term rewriting and term synthesis.",
>   paper = "Gaut19.pdf"
> }
> @misc{Lamp19,
>   author = "Lample, Guillaume and Charton, Francois",
>   title = {{Deep Learning for Symbolic Mathematics}},
>   year = "2019",
>   link = "\url{}";,
>   link = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "Neural networks have a reputation for being better at solving
>     statistical or approximate problems than at performing
>     calculations or working with symbolic data. In this paper, we show
>     that they can be surprisingly good at more elaborated tasks in
>     mathematics, such as symbolic integration and solving differential
>     equations. We propose a syntax for representing mathematical
>     problems, and methods for generating large datasets that can be
>     used to train sequence-to-sequence models. We achieve results that
>     outperform commercial Computer Algebra Systems such as Matlab or
>     Mathematica.",
>   paper = "Lamp19.pdf",
>   keywords = "printed, DONE"
> }
> @misc{Olsa19,
>   author = "Olsak, Miroslav and Kaliszyk, Cezary and Urban, Josef",
>   title = {{Property Invariant Embedding for Automated Reasoning}},
>   year = "2019",
>   link = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "Automated reasoning and theorem proving have recently become
>     major challenges for machine learning. In other domains,
>     representations that are able to abstract over unimportant
>     transformations, such as abstraction over translations and
>     rotations in vision, are becoming more common. Standard methods of
>     embedding mathematical formulas for learning theorem proving are
>     however yet unable to handle many important transformations. In
>     particular, embedding previously unseen labels, that often arise
>     in definitional encodings and in Skolemizatin, has been very weak
>     so far. Similar problems appear when tranferring knowledge between
>     known symbols.
>     We propose a novel encoding of formulas that extends existing
>     graph neural network models. This encoding represents symbols only
>     by nodes in the graph, without giving the network any knowledge of
>     the original labels. We provide additional links between such
>     nodes that allow the network to recover the meaning and therefore
>     correctly embed such nodes irrespective of the given labels. We
>     test the proposed encoding in an automated theorem prover based on
>     the tableaux connection calculus, and show that it improves on the
>     best characterizations used so far. The encoding is further
>     evaluated on the premise selection task and a newly introduced
>     symbol guessing task, and shown to correctly predict 65\% of the
>     symbol names.",
>   paper = "Olsa19.pdf"
> }
> @misc{Piot19,
>   author = "Piotrowski, Bartosz and Brown, Chad E. and
>             Kaliszyk, Cezary",
>   title = {{Can Neural Networks Learn Symbolic Rewriting?}},
>   year = "2019",
>   link = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "This work investigates if the current neural architectures are
>     adequate for learning symbolic rewriting. Two kinds of data sets
>     are proposed for this research -- one based on automated proofs
>     and the other being a synthetic set of polynomial terms. The
>     experiments with use of the current neural machine translation
>     models are performed and its results are discussed. Ideas for
>     extending this line of research are proposed and its relevance is
>     motivated.",
>   paper = "Piot19.pdf"
> }
> @misc{Sanc19,
>   author = "Sanchez-Stern, Alex and Alhessi, Yousef and Saul, Lawrence
>             and Lerner, Sorin",
>   title = {{Generating Correctness Proofs with Neural Networks}},
>   year = "2019",
>   link = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "Foundational verification allows programmers to build software
>     which has been empirically shown to have high levels of assurance
>     in a variety of important domains. However, the cost of producing
>     foundationally verified software remains prohibitively high for
>     most projects, as it requires significant manual effort by highly
>     trained experts. In this paper we present Proverbot9001 a proof
>     search system using machine learning techniques to produce proofs
>     of software correctness in interactive theorem provers. We
>     deomonstrate Proverbot9001 on the proof obligations from a large
>     practical proof project, the CompCert verified C compiler, and
>     show that it can effectively automate what was previously manual
>     proofs, automatically solving 15.77\% of proofs in our test
>     dataset. This corresponds to an over 3X improvement over the prior
>     state of the art machine learning technique for generating proofs
>     in Coq.",
>   paper = "Sanc19.pdf"
> }
> @misc{Wang19a,
>   author = "Wang, Qingxiang and Brown, Chad and Kaliszyk, Cezary and
>             Urban, Josef",
>   title = {{Exploration of Neural Machine Translation in
>             Autoformalization of Mathematics in Mizar}},
>   year = "2019",
>   link = "\url{}";,
>   abstract =
>     "In this paper we share several experiments trying to
>     automatically translate informal mathematics into formal
>     mathematics. In our context informal mathematics refers to
>     human-written mathematical sentences in the LaTeX format; and
>     formal mathematics refers to statements in the Mizar language. We
>     conducted our experiments against three established neural
>     network-based machine translation models that are know to deliver
>     competitive results on translating between natural languages. To
>     train these models we also prepared four informal-to-formal
>     datasets. We compare and analyze our results according to whether
>     the model is supervised or unsupervised. In order to augment the
>     data available for auto-formalization and improve the results, we
>     develop a custom type-elaboration mechanism and integrate it into
>     the supervised translation.",
>   paper = "Wang19a.pdf"
> }

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