Hello !

> Financing isn't the real issue. 
> I've contacted many companies / universities to try to get support.
> The latest effort is with the Schmidt Futures foundation.
> https://www.schmidtfutures.com/
> The Schmidt advantage is that it has a focus on open source software
> and is working with universities worldwide. This is the ideal situation
> for Axiom support / development. I wish they worked with more
> universities, especially CMU where I have some prior connections.
> Tim

This is really great to hear ! I'm only beginner level Axiom user with
the goal of improving my math skills and having great tool that I can
apply to various problems when needed.

But since it is now public information that there actually are funds to
support full time developers/maintainers of Axiom project, I hope that
perhaps some long time Axiom enthusiasts in his mailing list can now
step forward and volunteer to help.

Best regards
Svjatoslav Agejenko
WWW: http://svjatoslav.eu

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