Dear Tim,

On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 5:35 PM Tim Daly <> wrote:
> > Moving forward with Axiom is going to be hard, and will probably have
> > to require some new people to get involved.  That is best served with
> > financial or other incentives, but I have no suggestions on how to
> > achieve that goal.
> I have contacted about a dozen companies for grant money.
> I have contacted several grant-generating organizations.
> I set up a "contribute to Axiom" account of which I was the only contributor.
> I have contacted NSF and DARPA.
> The only support Axiom had was from Gilbert Baumslag at City College
> of New York. I worked with Gilbert in his Infinite Theory Group at CAISS.
> He supported the initial effort to make Axiom run standalone (the NAG
> version required a running Axiom to create a new Axiom).
> One of the key issues is managing the funding. That requires someone
> to hold the funds, manage the receipts, and pay the taxes. That is, it
> requires an independent accountant. NSF and DARPA usually give funds
> to a University office to manage. No accountants, no grant money.

Yeah.  I have thought about this for other similar preservation
efforts, and hence I will not personally do much for Axiom, except
perhaps buy an updated tutorial.

There are options now, like Patreon, SubscribeStar, and things I
haven't even heard of.  Afaict, the successful efforts on those lines
are the ones that provide entertainment, though possibly in the form
of "training material."  I believe that's how people start on YouTube,
but I'll admit some ignorance about how well that works.

And once you go that route, your main "job" is to get funding, and to
get that funding you end up "entertaining" your audience.

Which means you aren't spending your time writing about Axiom internals.

Now, to refer to something /I/ like in a similar fashion, is the
LibTomMath internals book, available here:

The file tommath-1.1.0.pdf.

Note this is the last release of that book, since the book has been
removed from the repository.

Still, now that I know about it, I /might/ resurrect it; but I have no
time frame for it.

The reason I like this book, is that as far as I've read it, it's all
about teaching the reader how to make a multi-precision library.
Although I would probably not make the same technical decisions Tom
did.  I could use it as a base for my own work; we'll see.

> I contacted several companies asking them to set up a small 1 or 2 person
> accounting shop for open source projects to accept and manage grants.
> So over the last 20 years no attempt at funding succeeded.

The open source world has changed /slightly/ to the better in the past
few years, but there's still a lot to do, to get funding for our

I have no concrete suggestions for you, nor do I think it's my place
to do so, even if I had.

> Over those 20 years I averaged about $3000 per year of Axiom related
> costs such as equipment, online hosting, travel for presentations, and
> Axiom-related swag (e.g. coffee mugs), all out of personal funds. That
> figure does not include my time.

Yeah.  And as I alluded to above, once you start on the funding route,
you're basically committed to that instead of writing.

That is the reality of it.


 I'm not from the internet, I just work there.

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