On June 20, 2005 7:35 PM Tim Daly wrote:

> ...
> some sort of browser-like capabilities are assumed.

Yes, most certainly. As usual, I find I agree with many things
you say below, but disagree strong on some specific points.

> the limitations we have now seems to be things like:
> * the syntax of the web page does not have a semantic model

I think this is not accurate. I might agree if you said
this differently. For example, I do think that the conventional
document semantics of HTML is too limited for our purposes.
Fortunately there is a lot of very active research going
on right now concerning how extended HTML to be a much
richer language or rather, a set of application-specific
related languages such as MathML, SVG, RDF and many more.

> we're trying to build a research science platform, not a
> display GUI object. we'd like the GUI piece of the system to
> have a clean, programmable semantics so we can reason about
> user actions. we want to reflect user actions (say handwriting,
> gestures, clicks, eye-gazes) and system state (say branch cut
> crossings, solid model data structure stresses, hill climbing
> search progress, as subtle changes to the screen.

I don't think any of these requirements are significantly
different than any other sophisticated web-based application
being built today. In fact I think all of them have already
been used to greater or lesser degree. The problem here, I think,
is just that none of these "virtual reality type" of user
interfaces have ever approached the degree of standardization
that would make web franchising feasible. I mean: not enough
people and projects have bought-in to any one such approach.

> ...
> *  the DOM model is hierarchical
> the DOM is a Document Object Model. it's basically a hierarchical
> data structure and it suffers from the same problems that databases
> used to suffer, that is, they are hierarchy.

I hierarchical data structure is obviously appropriate if the object
you wish to model is hierarchical. Right?

> Hierarchical databases ruled the day until new theory came around
> and the world went relational (I know most of you don't remember
> it but there was a HUGE fight about this. I attended a committee
> meeting about this at a database conference and the major objection
> was there would never be enough horsepower or memory to handle
> relational searches... beware the future).

Actually, I was probably at that same meeting. :) Funny that
you should mention this example, because I think that,
in reverse, it actually demonstrates your point and also
lets me make a point I want to make.

The relational data model actually had *less* semantics than
many of the data base systems that were in common use at that
time - both hierarchical and network. In this respect it was
rather like XML today compared to early HTML and SGML. The
compromise was less semantics for greater generality and
mathematical rigour. At the time no one knew how to deal in a
general and rigorous way with data structures more complex
than relations. The lack of semantics is what made people worry
that implementing such general operations would require too
much horsepower, and for a while this was true. It is still
very hard for a purely relational system to match the
performance of a hierarchical database for something that
is naturally hierarchical, for example something like a book
or document.

But here we have examples of two strange principles at
work: 1) less is more, i.e. that lack of semantics is
a good thing if what you want to do is generalize and
formalize something. And 2) worse is better. The fact that
the relational model of data is now very widely accepted
is a good thing in spite of the fact that it is worse at
representing many important data objects.

When we are thinking about a browser for the future
Axiom, I think we need to keep these principles in mind.

> ...
> *  the browser cannot interact with the filesystem
> *  the browser pages cannot be drawn upon
> *  the browser pages are "paper-like"
> the browser is a dumb tool at the moment. we need to
> break out of the mold, pick a particular browser, and make
> our own version of it. our version can be modified to do
> read/write of the file system, handle socket connections,
> present tabbed pages or sub-areas as an active canvas so
> Axiom can write graphics or text to them in real time,
> present a section of the screen as command-line I/O, show
> axiom state in special tabs, allow the browser to start
> axiom, let it speak lisp, etc.

Here is one place that I disagree strongly... :)

If there is one lesson that is really clear to me about open
source and the Internet in general, it is that doing really
big things requires collaboration, not cooperation (cooperation
in the sense of the verb to co-opt). By that I mean we have to
learn to depend on and take advantage of the work of others
(other projects) rather than attempt to acquire and control

I think this is a really hard lesson for a traditional programmer
to learn. I always used to hate learning to use someone else's
subroutine library since they never seemed to "think the way
I did". And often there were good reasons related to efficiency,
correctness, and trust that justified this view. But for me
open source, the Internet and very rapidly increasing and
affordable computer power has completely changed my views
about this.

> in short, we need to stop struggling with the limits of
> current browser technology, take a standard browser and
> extend it to our purposes. in fact, i expect we could do
> what we do with GCL: package our own version from a tgz file
> and add patches to do what axiom needs.

No, no, no!

Other people much smarter and more dedicated than us are
already doing almost everything of this sort that we need.
What we need to do is exactly the opposite. We need to learn
to incorporate and utilize the features and extensions of
current and future generations of browser technology. Axiom's
requirements (along with many other sophisticated browser
based applications) can help to influence the evolution of
browser technology but it should *not* attempt to co-opt and
control it.

This is a matter of design philosophy. Standards are a
very important part of that philosophy. This is one of
the reasons that worse (at least less than ideal) is often
better in the long run.

> in the 30 year horizon we need something that is useful,
> impressive, and reasonably modern. today's tools just hint
> at what will be common. we need to listen to the hints,
> anticipate the needs, and get out in front.

Again, I find myself wanting to label this as "inappropriate
behaviour" for the Internet and open source. What you are
describing fits quite well with the old corporate model
was largely defined by IBM and then taken to the extreme
by Microsoft, but not with where IBM is today and not with
the open source movement.

> we need to think about the researcher's problem space in
> a much deeper form than current systems do (including Axiom).
> in the long term we want to be at the center of the tool
> set that researchers use to solve problems.

To blend another metaphor (anyone remember Carlos Castaneda?)
I think a much better attitude more or less in keeping with
today's "extreme programming" is the "warrior's attitude".
By design we should try to make Axiom flexible and adaptable
and able to take advantage of new browser technology as it
becomes available, even though today we don't know exactly
what that might be. Again, *standards* are one of the best
ways to try to achieve that.

If we can do this I think we might have a good chance of
being at least one of the players in the center of the tool
set. I think proprietary systems will have a much harder
time being and staying in this position.

> research is long-term, detail-tedious, and takes a lot
> of work to build up a big picture. we want to be able to
> capture problem state, suggest relevant papers, perform
> proofs in the background, do speculative computations for
> possible suggestions, pre-generate literate pamphlets with
> references and code, etc. we want to draw a wide range of
> tools together (math language, graphics, 3D models
> (organic, engineering, etc), full-text searches,
> collaborative tools, etc).

Yes about this I agree completely. And from my point of
view this is almost exactly the same goal of much of the
leading edge research and development on the web today.

> related to the current suggestions i think we are limiting
> ourselves too much and creating too tight a straight-jacket
> by trying to work within the limits of current browsers and
> MMA-like worksheets.

I agree that we have to push those limits, but I think we
are in a very good position to do that from within the
environment of open source and advanced web application
development in general.

> choose a browser, get the source, add it to axiom, and
> extend it in various ways so we can experiment with ideas.

Again: no, no, no. :)

> just making it possible for the browser to read/write the
> filesystem and present a "canvas" area to axiom puts us
> far ahead of the world. it's not ideal but it works.

But here: yes, yes, yes!

"it's not ideal but it works." is exactly how I want to
characterize the choice of using standard web browsers
on which to base the new (and future) Axiom user interface.


Thanks for your message and thanks for opening this debate,
Tim. Although we often both agree and disagree on many
serious points, I am glad that we have been able to continue
to work together on Axiom and I fully expect this arrangement
to continue. So I know you wont and I don't want others
to think these points of disagreement are a bad thing.
I hope other people will feel free to share their opinions
and reasoning.

Bill Page.

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