On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 12:10 PM, David Casperson  wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> you may want to look at the work of the Charity group at the U of C.

Thanks! I haven't looked at the Charity project for a while:


but "Latest News" and "Download ..." suggests that there has not been
much development since 2000. Is that accurate? Is there work
continuing on this elsewhere?

> Charity is a seriously category theoretical language that is explicitly
> aware of co-objects.  It is formally weaker than most programming
> languages in that any compiling program terminates.

In the context of co-algebra is seems a little strange to consider
only programs that terminate.

> It may be that a sub-language based on Charity like ideas is the correct
> language in which to formulate a calculus of types for a language with
> first class types like Aldor.

That is a very interesting idea.

Bill Page.

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