There is a comment at the top of this method that
reads the following:
 * In doc/lit style pName is the name of the type
instance "result"
 *  <result>
 *        <name>Widgets Inc.</name>
 *        <symbol>WID</symbol>
 *        <public>true</public>
 *  </result>
 * But in rpc/encoded style pName is the name of the
type "QuoteInfoType"
 *  <tns:QuoteInfoType
 *        <name xsi:type="xsd:string">Widgets
 *        <symbol xsi:type="xsd:string">WID</symbol>
 *        <public xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</public>
 *  </tns:QuoteInfoType>

Can someone please refer me to the soap specification
document and section that points out this rule? Why
does pName behaves differently in doc/lit and rpc
style? This triggered the other question below!

Question 2, I noticed in simple types, the part name
in the response could be arbitrary ( I didn't see it
in the wsdl). The samples work because it looks like
the soapdeserializer, deliberately, skipping parsing
For example, here are some snippets from my tcpmonitor
when I ran the base service sample:

//where did echoStringReturn come from? shouldn't be
called "return"?
//from base.wsdl:
//<message name="echoStringResponse">
//        <part name="return" type="xsd:string"/>
<echoStringReturn xsi:type="xsd:string">hello

//where did echoIntegerReturn come from? 
//from base.wsdl:
//<message name="echoIntegerResponse">
//        <part name="return" type="xsd:int"/>

However, from the calculator service, the response was
more consistent with the wsdl that describes the
service, for example, this response:
<addReturn xsi:type="xsd:int">3</addReturn>
is consistent with the calculator.wsdl response
<wsdl:message name="addResponse">
  <wsdl:part name="addReturn" type="xsd:int"/>

Why is this inconsistency between the base and
calculator services in the format of the return
parameters and the arbitrariness of choosing names.
I'm trying to understand this betcause if I deploy
apache with axis-c as my webservice, but use a client
from a different tool, it could break the client's
code that is trying to parse the response for a
certain "part" but finding something else.

Thanks in advance.

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