This is fantastic; At last we are up to the expected speed of C.

Many thanks for looking into this. This has been very useful.
Please have a look into chunking if you get some time.

Kapila Dissanayake wrote:

Hi ,

I did another modification to improve the messege transfer speed.

http_transport_utils.c was modified. (Buffer size was changed from 1024 to 1024 * 1024)

Now the transfer speed has been changed significantly. Please see the table below.

The attached file includes the svn diff of the change.

Thank You


(File Size) vs (Time Taken in milli seconds) to send binary attachments

Processor - Intel Celeron M 1.40GHz     
RAM - 256 MB    
OS - Fedora Core 4.     
Java Server - axis2 Java        
C Server - axis2        
mtom C and java test clients were used  
http_transport_utils.c was modified. (Buffer size was changed from 1024 to 1024 * 1024)
Time Taken in milli seconds     

File Size (kb) Java Server Java Server C Server C Server C Server C Server C Server C Server C Server C Server Java Client (ms) C Client (ms) C Client (ms) Java Client (ms) *data_handler.c Buffer Size 1024 * *data_handler.c 'Buffer Size 1024 X 1024 * *Using stat* *http_transport_utils.c 'Buffer Size 1024 X 1024 * * * *Buffer Size '1024 * *Buffer Size '1024 X 1024 * *Using stat* *http_transport_utils.c 'Buffer Size 1024 X 1024 * ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------
13.8            147             158             73      1884    78      76      
        188     143     136     136
28.2            515             488             78      1912    78      78      
        222     413     364     387
37.8            538             694             131     1917    81      81      
        232     474     377     396
132             571             807             212     2177    102     83      
        263     420     381     432
154             547             672             239     2215    117     84      
        347     389     383     517
165             688             683             397     2380    205     85      
        364     400     393     602
561             1340            1024            995     2537    777     100     
        637     899     775     766
762 1766 1336 1903 2890 1458 111 1248 1218 1051 1055 1162 3464 1970 4859 3602 3405 135 1702 1718 1712 1092 1761 4666 3274 10928 8028 7927 188 2780 3249 2691 2596 2081 6777 2993 15066 11008 10864 219 3595 3281 2859 3185 4241 23038 Could not transfer (Java client Broken) 52853 33351 32957 519 16234 115777 7991 6499

On 5/12/06, *Samisa Abeysinghe* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

       If we are going to use chunking at some point in time, then the
    handler logic for reading file too has to change to keep track of the
    amount of chunks already read, and current position of read pointer.
    There is no provision for such reading in the code as of now,
    neither in
    the data handler nor in the mime_output that uses the data handler
    So there is considerable amount of work on the part of the data hander
    and the places that uses the API of data handler to read to turn on
    chunking as far as I can see.

    Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:

    > Nabeel wrote:
    >> Kapila,
    >>    With your latest changes you always read the file  in one go
    >> (i.e.  not in chunks) and you don't need a loop. The attached
    >> code does the same thing.
    >> Suggestion:
    >>    When we need to attach *very* large file, we may not be keep the
    >> whole file in memory. IMO, this where chunk reading is really
    >> If you are to implement this, you'll have to change the code from
    >> data_handler -> mime_body_part -> mime_output to om_output so that
    >> you'll keep only chunk_size amount of bytes in memory at any
    given time.
    > Chunking is a very good idea, in fact that is the perfect
    solution for
    > large attachments.
    > However, AFAIK, we have chunking capability only on the client side
    > transport, not on the server side transport.
    > Hence, we got to implement chunking capability into simple axis
    > transport first. (May be we can raise a Jira on this). Or we have to
    > see if we can piggyback on Apache for chunking.
    > Secondly, we got to research and find out the ideal chunk size.
    As we
    > have seen through the results sent by Kapila, too small a chunk
    > makes too large file transmission very slow and too large chunk size
    > makes small file transmission very slow. Best is to not use chunking
    > for small files and use chunking, with a reasonable chunk size, for
    > large files. So we have several parameters to figure out.
    >    i.  Max size we can read a file in one go without chunking.
    >    ii. When chunking is turned on, ideal chunk size.
    > As I mentioned earlier, we need some research around this to
    decide on
    > the figures.
    > Thanks,
    > Samisa...
    >> -Nabeel
    >> Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:
    >>> Cool, so there sure is an improvement when using stat on read
    >>> of data handler. Hence lets use this solution.
    >>> Still we need to figure out what goes wrong with large files
    beyond 1M
    >>> Samisa...
    >>> Kapila Dissanayake wrote:
    >>>> Hi
    >>>> I did some modification to the data handler. Insted of using
    >>>> buffer size to read files
    >>>> 'stat' is used.
    >>>> Please see the perfomance details.
    >>>> Thank You
    >>>> Kapila
    >>>> Environment            ----------                Processor -
    >>>> Celeron M 1.40GHz
    >>>> RAM - 256 MB            OS - Fedora Core 4.        Java Server -
    >>>> axis2 Java        C Server - axis2            mtom C and java
    >>>> clients were used     (in axis2 c data_handler.c, different
    >>>> sizes were used to read files)
    >>>> Time Taken in milli seconds
    >>>> File Size (kb)           Java Server     (ms)     Java Server
    >>>> (ms)      C Server (ms)                 C Server     (ms)
    >>>>             Java Client     (ms)     C Client     (ms)      C
    >>>> Client     (ms)                  Java Client     (ms)
>>>> *Buffer Size 1024 * *Buffer
    >>>> Size 1024 X 1024 * *Using stat*     * *     *Buffer Size '1024
    >>>> *     *Buffer Size '1024 X 1024 * *Using stat *
    >>>> -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
    >>>> -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
    >>>> -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
    >>>> -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
    >>>> -----------------
    >>>> 13.8           147           158           73     1884
    >>>> 78           188     143     136
    >>>> 28.2           515           488           78     1912
    >>>> 78           222     413     364
    >>>> 37.8           538           694           131     1917
    >>>> 81           232     474     377
    >>>> 132           571           807           212     2177
    >>>> 102           263     420     381
    >>>> 154           547           672           239     2215
    >>>> 117           347     389     383
    >>>> 165           688           683           397     2380
    >>>> 205           364     400     393
    >>>> 561           1340           1024           995     2537
    >>>> 777           637     899     775
    >>>> 762           1766           1336           1903     2890
    >>>> 1458           1248     1218     1051
    >>>> 1162           3464           1970           4859     3602
    >>>> 3405           1702     1718     1712
    >>>> 1761           4666           3274           10928     8028
    >>>> 7927           2780     3249     2691
    >>>> 2081           6777           2993           15066     11008
    >>>> 10864           3595     3281     2859
    >>>> 4241           23038           Could not transfer (Java client
    >>>> Broken)           52853 33351     32957           16234
    >>>> 115777     7991
    >>>> On 5/10/06, *Samisa Abeysinghe* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
    >>>>     Well, from this I am certain that we should not change the
    >>>> buffer size
    >>>>     to 1024*1024, rather keep it at 1024.
    >>>>     Please try with stat, using a dynamic buffer size based
    on the
    >>>> file
    >>>>     size, my gut feel is that it is going to be the best
    >>>>     Thanks,
    >>>>     Samisa...
    >>>>     Kapila Dissanayake wrote:
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Hi,
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > I did some testing agian with to measure the binary file
    >>>> transfer
    >>>>     > times. In axis2 c data_handler.c, different buffer sizes
    >>>> (1024 and
    >>>>     > 1024*1024) were used to read files.
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > I think using fixed size buffers to read binary files
    in axis2-C
    >>>>     has
    >>>>     > been affected in some cases to slow down the transfer.
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Thanks
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Kapila
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Please see the following test results
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Environment
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > ----------
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Processor - Intel Celeron M 1.40GHz
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > RAM - 256 MB
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > OS - Fedora Core 4.
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Java Server - axis2 Java
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > C Server - axis2
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > mtom C and java test clients were used
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > Time Taken in milli seconds
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > File Size (kb)                Java Server     (ms)    Java
    >>>>     Server     (ms)             C
    >>>>     > Server        (ms)            C Server        (ms)
    >>>>     >               Java Client     (ms)    C
    >>>>     Client        (ms)             C Client       (ms)
    >>>> Java
    >>>>     > Client        (ms)
    >>>>     >                                               *Buffer Size*
    >>>>     *1024 *         *1024 X 1024*   * *     *1024*
    >>>>     > *1024 X 1024 *
>>>> > ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- >>>> > ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- >>>> > ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- >>>> > ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
    >>>>     > 13.8          147             158
    >>>> 73      1884            188     143
    >>>>     > 28.2          515             488
    >>>> 78      1912            222     413
    >>>>     > 37.8          538             694                     131
    >>>>     1917            232     474
    >>>>     > 132           571             807                     212
    >>>>     2177            263     420
    >>>>     > 154           547             672                     239
    >>>>     2215            347     389
    >>>>     > 165           688             683                     397
    >>>>     2380            364     400
    >>>>     > 561           1340            1024                    995
    >>>>     2537            637     899
    >>>>     > 762              1766            1336
    >>>> 1903    2890            1248    1218
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     1162          3464            1970                    4859
    >>>> 3602            1702    1718
    >>>>     > 1761          4666            3274                    10928
    >>>>     8028            2780    3249
    >>>>     >
    2081          6777            2993                    15066
    >>>>     11008           3595    3281
    >>>>     > 4241          23038           Could not transfer (Java
    >>>>     Broken)
    >>>>     > 52853         33351           16234   115777
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     > On 5/8/06, *Samisa Abeysinghe* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >>>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >>>>     > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>> wrote:
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >     Hmmm, Interesting. There seem to be a problem in C
    client in
    >>>>     case of
    >>>>     >     large attachments.
    >>>>     >     This must be due to the fact that we are using a
    loop to
    >>>>     read the
    >>>>     >     file.
    >>>>     >     If we stat and read the file at once, there could
    be an
    >>>>     improvement.
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >     Why is it so slow, in C vs C case? (Third column)
    This is
    >>>> worth
    >>>>     >     investigating.
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >     Thanks,
    >>>>     >     Samisa...
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >     Kapila Dissanayake wrote:
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >     > Hi,
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > I did some testing on binary attachment transfer
    >>>>     with axis2
    >>>>     >     > 'java' and 'C' servers with sample mtom clients.
    It took
    >>>>     very high
    >>>>     >     > transfer times for large size attachments. Some minor
    >>>>     modificaions
    >>>>     >     > were done to the data_handler.c and it was sent
    to the
    >>>>     mailing list.
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (File Size) vs (Time Taken in milli seconds) to
    >>>>     binary
    >>>>     >     > attachments
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > Environment
    >>>>     >     > ----------
    >>>>     >     > Processor - Intel Celeron M 1.40GHz
    >>>>     >     > RAM - 256 MB
    >>>>     >     > OS - Fedora Core 4.
    >>>>     >     > Java Server - axis2 Java
    >>>>     >     > C Server - axis2
    >>>>     >     > mtom C and java test clients were used
    >>>>     >     > Time Taken in milli seconds
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > File Size (kb)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > Java Server
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > Java Server
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >  C Server
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > C Server
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > Java Client
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > C Client
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >  C Client
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >  Java Client
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > (ms)
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > ---------------
    >>>>     >     > 28
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 445
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 274
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2004
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 1009
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 38
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 617
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 297
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 1957
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 842
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 132
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 593
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 527
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2181
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 726
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 154
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 551
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 447
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2081
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 677
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 165
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 440
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 743
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2147
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 676
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 561
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 1029
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 418
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2581
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 1075
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 762
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2137
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 1572
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 3231
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2356
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 1162
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 3172
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2962
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 3981
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 3100
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 1761
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 7672
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 5494
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 8186
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 3041
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 2081
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 7768
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 6837
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 11757
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 3499
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 4241
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 14465
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 24060
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > 36168
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > Could not transfer (Error Occured in Java client)
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > Thank You
    >>>>     >     >
    >>>>     >     > Kapila
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >
    >>>>     >

    >> #include <stdio.h>
    >> #include <sys/stat.h>
    >> int read_from_file(char *file_name, char** output_stream, int
    >> *output_stream_size);
    >> int main(int argc, char **argv)
    >> {
    >>     int size;
    >>     char *output;
    >>     if (argc != 2)
    >>     {
    >>         printf("usage: read_binary <file_name>\n");
    >>         return 0;
    >>     }
    >>     if (read_from_file(argv[1], &output, &size))
    >>             printf("read successful\n");
    >>     if (output)
    >>         free(output);
    >>     return 1;
    >> }
    >> int read_from_file(char *file_name, char** output_stream, int
    >> *output_stream_size)
    >> {
    >>     FILE *f = NULL;
    >>     struct stat stat_p;
    >>     int count = 0;
    >>    if (!file_name)
    >>    {
    >>         printf("error: file not given \n");
    >>         return 0;
    >>     }
    >>           f = fopen(file_name, "rb");
    >>    if (!f)
    >>     {
    >>         printf("error:cannot open file %s\n", file_name);
    >>        return ;
    >>     }
    >>            if ( -1 ==  stat (file_name, &stat_p))
    >>     {
    >>         printf("error:error reading stat\n");
    >>         return 0;
    >>     }
    >>     *output_stream_size = stat_p.st_size;
    >>     printf("size = %d\n",  *output_stream_size);
    >>     *output_stream = malloc((*output_stream_size) * sizeof(char));
    >>     if (!(*output_stream))
    >>    {
    >>        printf("error: cannot create stream\n");
    >>        return 0;
    >>     }
    >>    count = fread(*output_stream, 1, *output_stream_size, f);
    >>    if (ferror(f) != 0)
    >>    {
    >>        printf("error:cannot read file\n");
    >>        if (*output_stream)
    >>        {
    >>            free(*output_stream);
    >>            *output_stream = NULL;
    >>        }
    >>        return 0;
    >>     }
    >>    fclose(f);
    >>    return 1;
    >> }


Index: modules/xml/attachments/data_handler.c
--- modules/xml/attachments/data_handler.c      (revision 398104)
+++ modules/xml/attachments/data_handler.c      (working copy)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <axis2_data_handler.h>
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>

typedef struct axis2_data_handler_impl
@@ -185,7 +186,12 @@
            return AXIS2_FAILURE;
do {
-            read_stream_size = 1024;
+            struct stat stat_p;
+            if ( -1 ==  stat (data_handler_impl->file_name, &stat_p))
+            {
+                return AXIS2_FAILURE;
+            }
+            read_stream_size = stat_p.st_size;
            read_stream = AXIS2_MALLOC((*env)->allocator, (read_stream_size) * 
            if (!read_stream)
@@ -197,7 +203,7 @@
                return AXIS2_FAILURE;
-            count = fread(read_stream, 1, 1024, f);
+            count = fread(read_stream, 1, read_stream_size, f);
            if (ferror(f) != 0)
                /*TODO : need to set the correct error code */
@@ -354,3 +360,4 @@
    return AXIS2_SUCCESS;

Index: modules/core/transport/http/http_transport_utils.c
--- modules/core/transport/http/http_transport_utils.c  (revision 398104)
+++ modules/core/transport/http/http_transport_utils.c  (working copy)
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
        if (mime_boundary)
            axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL;
-            int size = 1024;
+            int size = 1024 * 1024;
            int len = 0;
            axis2_char_t *root_mime = NULL;
            int root_mime_len = 0;
---    (revision 398104)
+++    (working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
export AXIS2C_HOME
-./configure --prefix=${AXIS2C_HOME} --enable-tests=yes --enable-trace=yes  
--with-apache2=/usr/include/apache2 --with-apr=/usr/include/apr-0 
--enable-diclient=no --enable-static=no
+./configure --prefix=${AXIS2C_HOME} --enable-tests=yes --enable-trace=yes 
--enable-diclient=no --enable-static=no
make install
cd samples

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